...or "cryo" as the place is normally known. These photos start at the end of the 2004-05 summer. The structure consists of 2 end modules (which were movable during construction) and a central unit to be constructed between them. The 2 modules were assembled during the 2004-05 summer, and work continued on these sections through the winter. |
 The left (north) module was assembled and later moved adjacent to the existing cryo barn, here the front sliding doors are being installed. |

Here's the module in position for the winter... |
 ...just in time to house one of the liquid helium transport dewars as soon as it arrived from McMurdo. The back portion was used for warm storage of IceCube cable reels...the roof panels in this section were left loose so the reels could be removed easily. |
 Another exterior view, the exterior stairway has now been assembled. A few days later the other transport dewar seen here was also moved inside the new structure. |
 Meanwhile, the south module was being assembled nearby. |
 The interior roof and wall panel joints were stuffed with insulation before the vapor barrier tape was installed across them. |
 The module sits fully enclosed. |
 Later during the winter the steel floor panels were welded out. Here is a closeup of what Janice Martin did. This module was used for occasional sports events, not to mention a concert or two. |
 The welded-out floor. At the end of the winter, this module served as the post office annex for all of the winterover parcels being sent home. |
 Then it got moved, not once but several times... |
(jump to the summer 2005-06 cryo construction pics) |