McMurdo Area 1958-59

Fred Mayeda Photos

These photos were taken by Fred Mayeda, a meteorologist with the U. S. Weather Bureau who wintered at Pole in 1959. He took these in McMurdo, either before or after the winter. Fred died in 1964 and left behind many slides without captions; his son Stan Mayeda had them scanned to CD and graciously sent me a copy. The original scanned files are available upon request, they are each about 1800x1200, 1.5MB.
down town
Overview of McMurdo from Observation Hill
hanging out at the point
And from the other direction, a snowy view from Hut Point.
behind the altar
Looking west from behind the Chapel of the Snows
cliff hanger
Rocky cliffs, perhaps on the flight to Pole.
The Erebus?
Mt. Erebus from the ice, along with fuel drums and equipment.
cape town
Shackleton's hut at Cape Royds.
floating gas station
One of the yard oilers which were towed down in DF-I to carry and store fuel until tanks could be built. This is probably YOG-70; the other one (YOG-34) was parked on the other side of Hut Point, from where it floated away in March of 1961 and was lost. These held about 250,000 gallons (full size image).
waterfront airport
Looking across town toward some of the VX-6 aircraft parked near the shore.
air liner
One of VX-6's C-121J Constellations, the "Phoenix." These were used primarily for passenger travel to and from ChCh until 1970-71.
on a clear day...
More aircraft...these are P2V's, used for scientific missions and flights to inland stations. This one (140136) was equipped for aerial photography.
take me to the airport
This R4D "Charlene" was converted to a taxi after one of the wings was damaged in September 1957
Fred Mayeda
The photographer, Fred Mayeda, with a friend.

Fred's South Pole gallery | the 1958-59 Pole timeline