2007-08 Aerial Photos--October 2007

station keeping
Late October 2007, time for another round of station aerial photos, so NSF (and you and I) can see what the winter snow driftiness looks like. These were shot by the winterovers from the Twin Otter, they took turns going up several at a time. This introductory shot shows the elevated station in all its, er, siding that's been installed so far (RS/USAP) (photo credits/info are on the last photo page)
white noise
Let's start with a distant approach view from the west (RS/USAP).
run way
Moving in a bit closer...(RS)
not landing
Moving in even closer (SR).
taxi way?
And a bit closer yet (SR).
From here it is apparent that the skiway is still where it was last year, complete with crossing beacon.
field of view
This view is from a slightly different angle, and it looks like a long lens was used. The power plant exhaust is obscuring the station building (SR).
10 points if you can find skylab
Moving in even closer, this view shows ARO and the clean air sector stretching off in the distance (RS/USAP).
el station in the morning
Swinging around to the northwest, here's a view of the station taken in the morning (EH/USAP).
darker front
A closer look from a lower altitude...(RS/USAP).
siding with Polies
and even closer (RS/USAP).
windows on the world
and on around from the arch side (RS/USAP).
clean air?
con trail?
Now let's zoom off to grid north for a couple of views of the station from this rare angle, inside (or at least close to) the clean air sector. Just to add a bit of history here, NSF has been having these photos taken for many years. This includes the 1976-77 season when the station manager (me) got in serious trouble when it was thought I authorized the aircraft to take photos from this sector. (Left photo: JS, right photo: RS/USAP)
Now let's swing around behind the dome...

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