2007-08 Aerial Photos--October 2007

behind things
Here's a view of the station complex from behind skylab... (RS).
...and a closer lower altitude shot. The defunct cosray detectors we installed in 1976 are clearly visible to the left of skylab (SR)
a cool one
Swinging on around, here's a straight on shot of the, er, shiny round stair tower (RS).
tower and dome
A higher-altitude view from about the same direction(SR).
sunny windows
Swinging around a bit more, this close view shows the back wings of the station (EH/USAP).
open door policy at Pole?
Coming on around, here's a view of the downwind end of the arches (SR).
tenting tonight...
A view of summer camp looking towards the skiway (RS).
shop space
The construction shops, with the Cheese Palace behind them. This view looks toward the elevated station (SR).
Let's head out to the berms and the other stuff out there...

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