2003-04 Construction Photos--Inside A3

This section west of the galley was officially determined fit for occupancy at the end of January 2004:
The A3 computer lab
Ah yes, a cubicle farm. This computer lab occupies the west half of the second floor. Yes, there are windows... somewhere...
Between the computer room and the galley is biomed, medical, er, whatever. This is the front room for surgery, science etc. The ward (next picture) is in the left background.
the Biomed medical ward
The two-bed ward, with a window (just barely visible at right), waiting for the bed installation. A much better place to be than the old Biomed where I spent several sick days in 1977. By the way, several rooms in A1 are equipped with "Call Nurse" buttons so they can be used for overflow patients.
a view looking the other way from the site of one of the medical ward beds
This will be the view from one of the beds, looking towards the main room.
the quiet reading room under construction
Downstairs, the west end of A3 features this quiet reading room and library. These windows look west towards B2.
the quiet reading room later with furniture
Here it is with furniture, by now the room has bookshelves and books. Originally this area was to house windowless storage and a wet darkroom.
the laundry room
Next door to the east is this very important room. During the 2003 winter the new station residents had to do their laundry elsewhere. To conserve electrical energy, these dryers are heated with glycol off of the heating system loop.
site of the prefabricated food growth chamber
East of the laundry is the space for the "prefabricated food growth chamber," more commonly known as the greenhouse. This is, well, the space, looking toward the hallway and fire technician Joe Tarnow. Assembling and installing it would be a 2004 winter project.
the prefabricated growth chamber (greenhouse) in Arizona before being shipped
This picture from Phil Sadler shows the test assembly in Arizona before it was shipped south. Here are a few more details on the University of Arizona site; their photo pages are gone.
Entrance to the station store and the post office counter
Continuing east on the first floor, we have the shopping
mall...otherwise known as the store.
the station store grand opening
The new station store had a grand opening on 27 February 2004, complete with a wine tasting.
no exit

Back outside, here's another small item completed in January--the permanent exterior door from the beer can. The beams above and below the frame allow for future elevation adjustment.
(photo #2 from Jerry Marty, #8 from Seth White, #9 from Phil Sadler, #11 from
Glen Kinoshita, #12 from Ralph DeStefano, and the rest from the common drive)

Meanwhile, inside the dome we had the demolition of...

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