Away with the freshie shack!

This building has been around in some form or since the dome was occupied and the need was recognized. It has been built and rebuilt several times. The ground floor of the latest structure was put up in 1978-79, the DNF upstairs was added sometime later, as seen in the background of this CARA 1991-92 photo. The top floor was enlarged in 1997. Anyway, as part of the dome demo it was time for this structure to go. Some of these photos exhibit some of the dome interior weather--stuff falling on the camera lens, exhaust haze, and/or my lousy editing. As usual, I've cranked up the exposures somewhat to enhance the details.

And I've included a few views of the old galley exterior and interior as it is in 2004.

moving the beer out
tearing down the walls
At left, the older portion of the upstairs DNF has been removed, while stuff is still being moved out from the beer/soda room. Above, the demo continues. This happened around 12 November 2003.
looking down from the top of the stairs into the first floor
Looking down from the top of the stairs just before they go away.
hauling away some of the debris
A view from the annex roof, hauling the stuff away.
Sign left by a VXE-6 repair crew in 1982
During demo, this old forgotten sign was had been left by a VXE-6 repair crew who came to repair a nose strut that broke on 1982-83 opening flight. That interesting story is here.
all has been removed except the foundation
Here all is gone except the foundation. This view shows how carefully the old galley had been expanded to preserve access to and around the freshie shack.
everything is gone
This view looking up towards the upper galley shows everything gone. The stairs to the upper galley roof had been temporarily removed for access...
the wood stairs to the galley kitchen roof were put back
...and later replaced.
flowers and fence taken from Old Pole
The entrance to the old galley, marked with that flower garden that used to be in front of another nearby eating establishment which had been closed for awhile.
clearing out the former galley kitchen area for DNF
Before the demo, the kitchen area of the old galley was cleared out for DNF.
the dining area was turned into a gerbil gym
After the kitchen equipment was removed, the equipment from the dome gym would be moved into the dining area.
DNF food etc. stored in the former kitchen
Here's some DNF stuff stashed away in early December. At left behind those #10 cans is the walled-off former serving line opening into the dining area.
Booze and cigarette storage
Potables stored in the enclosed former food storage
room addition which was underneath the northern
extension of the bar.
Credits: photos #1-#7 and #9 are from Scott Smith; #8 is from Seth White, the rest are from the common drive.

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