Above...The interior of the new garage, heavy shop, vehicle maintenance facility, or whatever... It was officially
completed and occupied in December 1999. It is 5 times
larger than the original garage, which continued
in service for a few more years as the new station
construction proceeded. In this picture FMC supervisor Carlton Walker is heading
for the bay doors... (Antarctic Sun 12/12/99 photo
by Josh Landis).
But first, as they say...a look at the old place. You could just barely fit the D-6 in here, so the new garage was designed with that in mind. Of course by 1999 there were no D-8's around any more, and there were no immediate plans to bring one in, so when the traverse changed things...well, in 2008 we couldn't bring the D-8 inside to work on the blade.
 This 1977 view shows how crowded the original garage was even back then. |
 Here is a late 90's view looking into the door (C). |
 Starting where the 1997-98 season left off, the completed arch had been left empty over the winter--used to store equipment (C). |
 A look inside the arch before building construction started (C). |
 One more preliminary--a partial test build had been done the previous summer just before the steel was sent to Port Hueneme. And, I guess, just before they painted it (C). |
 Back at Pole in the 1998-99 summer, erection started with the upwind end (I). |
 Foundation assembly, soffit panel installation, steel erection, and wall and roof SIP panel installation continued concurrently (I). |
 Much of this construction sequence is similar to that used for the logistics facility construction in the old garage arch in 2008 (NSF). |
 A look at the interior after it was enclosed and heated (C).
That takes us about up to the end of the summer...continue on to the 1999 winter construction. |