The LO, as it is locally known...this is the upwind end. The photos on this page were taken over Memorial Day weekend...the foundations you see are the beginnings of the "back deck" that will eventually fill the entire arch...
The left photo looks the other way toward the fuel arch...eventually this whole area will be filled with decking and shelves. At right is the temporary access opening in the arch, with a canvas cover to keep most of the snow out. The right photo some of the work in progress to prepare the foundation support beams that will support the deck modules. The first few sections of deck modules are a priority because they are needed for access between the power plant and the garage. |
 Stepping inside, here's a look downwind from under the mezzanine. The large doors at the far end will be the entry/exit point for palletized cargo--the floor will be equipped with rollers. |
 Looking back toward the mezzanine, which will house the office area and mechanical room. The place is now equipped with that electric forklift, and will also have an "order picker"--a similar piece of equipment you may have seen in Home Depot or similar warehouse type stores. |

The first task for the plumbers--hanging the unit heaters. These are at the downwind end...the place will have redundant glycol and electric heat. |
 Sheetrock installation is underway in the upstairs cargo office. This room will have a shelving and furniture layout similar to the existing cargo office out near the flight line. |
 The mechanical room. In most of the building the exterior structural insulated (SIP) panels are faced with cement board. |
 The upstairs conference area. The insulated wall to the right, not yet sheetrocked, separates this space from the mechanical room. The framed opening is for a window that will look out into the main cargo area of the building...a large air handler will also hang just on the other side of that wall. |
Jump ahead to August... |