These photos were taken on 26 and 27 October by Scot is fun to compare these ungroomed drifty views with the January photos of the same area...enjoy! Many of these photos will soon be found in the USAP photo library. |
Let's start above the south end of the skiway looking at the station. |
A bit further up the skiway. |
East of the skiway, looking north over the golf ball. |
The elevated station, dome and flight line from 1000 feet. |
A bit closer...the structure between wings B1 and B4 is one section of the new cryo barn, parked here temporarily. When this photo was taken it was being used as a temporary post office for winterovers' parcels. |
Directly west of the station--the windowed room on the end is the new SOC (comms). What is the trench? Access for putting the exterior siding on! |
This view will change very soon as the exterior skin gets installed! |
Looking east over the dome. The snow piles behind the station are the beginning of the summer landscaping effort. |
Skylab...scheduled to go cold in December after the science projects are moved elsewhere. |
A closer look at the dome entrance. |
From over the skiway, from left to right, the cheese palace, construction Jamesways, and the north end of the berm. |
The south end of the berms. The stored IceCube drill camp modules are in the background. |
Zooming in on the IceCube modules... |
Looking from the other direction, here's our accumulated winter trash, waiting for that trip back to Port Hueneme. |