What happens here--the arch which formerly housed Biomed needed to be raised about 4 feet to line up with the old garage arch which was raised in 1997-98...ultimately after the dome entrance goes away there will be one continuous arch to accommodate the cargo building and storage space. |
 Starting from where the 2005 winter left off...the last bits of the biomed building foundation are carefully removed from around some old but still-in-use data cables (BS). |
 Turning around, here's the passage to the fuel arch just before it is disturbed (I). |
 The end wall of the fuel arch, which also was replaced. The fuel arch itself did not need raising (I). |
 First step, removing the old dark sector substation (building 63, left). This 208-4160v stepup transformer formerly fed the dark sector from the old arch power plant (I). |
 Of course, befure this could be yanked out, the new feeder connections from the new power plant had to be completed (JM). |
 Here's the inside of the biomed arch after the substation was yanked...(I) |
 ...and the end wall started to come down (JM). |
 A closeup of the remaining outbuilding, this one housed comms and data connections still in use, and wouldn't go away for another two years (JM). |
 Next step, digging everything out (C), |
 ...including the fuel arch bulkhead (C)... |
 ...and the snow between the arches (I). |
 Excavating the exterior of the arch, exposing the old fuelie access ladder (C). |
 It had to go too (JM). |
 Disassembling the original bulkhead and connection to the dome entrance arch (DT). |
 Lots o snow to move (JB). |
 The arch was to be picked up in 2 sections, so the Huck fasteners between the two sections had to be cut apart (RP). |

Here goes the first lift (I). |
 Up and away (I). |