2005-06 Summer Photos - Wing B3

wall between the B3 coatroom and store storage
Starting with some of the apparently mundane looking stuff at the beginning of the summer--this is actually the last wall to be constructed--between the main entrance coatroom and a storeroom.
wall between the B3 coatroom and store storage
Here it is a bit later with sheetrock. Actually this wall was a late design change; originally the entire space was to be a coat room.
fin tube heaters being installed in what then was to be the smoking lounge
Fin tube heaters being installed next door, in what was then being called the smoking lounge.
new carpet in the B3 lounge
Here it is completed with a bit of furniture, but no ashtrays. NSF decided to make all indoor areas of the new station non-smoking (DB).
the B3 downstairs hallway with niches that would become display cases
Outside the lounge, here's the main downstairs hallway early in the summer. The display case niches are on the right. More on them later.
the nascent display wall

Across from the glass cases is this display board.
installing wall tiles
Outside the lounge and up the stairs, here's the last of those colored wall tiles getting put on.
after all the wall tiles are installed
The completed hallway a couple months later (NS).
looking toward the doors to the observation deck
Looking the other way towards the door to the observation deck (JM).
the door to comms and the office hallway
On the right, the doorway to comms and the office hallway.
the office hallway

Inside the main office hallway looking towards comms.
removing the new station UPS from its borrowed location in dome comms
Ok, this is old comms in the dome--this "borrowed" UPS is being removed...(JM)
installing the UPS in B3

...to be installed in the B3 comms shop (JM).
empty old comms after the move to the new one
While the UPS was being moved, here's the empty old comms in the dome, on its last Christmas Day (JM).
comms folks in the new comms
Everyone is upstairs in the new comms! Here's Tracy Sheeley, Katie Hess and Shelly DeNike (JM).
another comms hero shot with Katie Hess and Neil Conant
A couple more comms hero shots...here's Katie with Neil Conant a couple days after Christmas (JM).
Tracy Sheeley in action
Here's Tracy in action (I).

Not done yet...there's a stairway to go yet (and B3 photo credits)

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