Starting with some of the apparently mundane looking stuff at the beginning of the summer--this is actually the last wall to be constructed--between the main entrance coatroom and a storeroom. |
 Here it is a bit later with sheetrock. Actually this wall was a late design change; originally the entire space was to be a coat room. |
 Fin tube heaters being installed next door, in what was then being called the smoking lounge. |
 Here it is completed with a bit of furniture, but no ashtrays. NSF decided to make all indoor areas of the new station non-smoking (DB). |
 Outside the lounge, here's the main downstairs hallway early in the summer. The display case niches are on the right. More on them later. |

Across from the glass cases is this display board. |
 Outside the lounge and up the stairs, here's the last of those colored wall tiles getting put on. |
 The completed hallway a couple months later (NS). |
 Looking the other way towards the door to the observation deck (JM). |
 On the right, the doorway to comms and the office hallway. |
Inside the main office hallway looking towards comms. |
 Ok, this is old comms in the dome--this "borrowed" UPS is being removed...(JM) |

...to be installed in the B3 comms shop (JM). |
 While the UPS was being moved, here's the empty old comms in the dome, on its last Christmas Day (JM). |
 Everyone is upstairs in the new comms! Here's Tracy Sheeley, Katie Hess and Shelly DeNike (JM). |
 A couple more comms hero shots...here's Katie with Neil Conant a couple days after Christmas (JM). |
 Here's Tracy in action (I). |