2005 Winter Photos - Dome Galley Demo

Carp supervisor George Prehn closes the bar
21 February, George Prehn closes the bar.
Cleaning up the bar before demo begins
The first task is cleaning up the morning after the night before.
Dome bar demo begins
Next..., removing the bar itself.
The bar top is safely packed away.
professor longhair
A closer look at the original 1987 winter graffiti under the bar...
cargoid and usgs
The other side.
Eric was here
Unfortunately I didn't get a good closeup of this plaque that said Eric Merriam built this bar in 1987.
road to the pole
Mike Hole with the 90 South sign.
hi Jerri
Larry Rickard with that 90 South bar sign.
(Take a closer look at the sign!)
to the wall
And the bar is gone.
write on the wall
Some of the graffiti behind the bar.
more handwriting on the wall
Underneath that, another layer of graffiti.
back room
Clearing out the upper galley.
projection booth
More upper galley wall removal in front of the lavatory.
wheres the stair
Stripping the stairwell wall in the upper galley.
Lee was here
With the wall finish removed, the original 1975 bar exterior door opening (blueboarded) is visible.

Keep going...

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