2004-05 Aerial Photos--around the Dome

the dome is home
Okay, the dome...still here for a year or two yet...(WNH)
arch rivals
The dome and skylab from the arch side (WNH)
back a BIT
Back a bit more, cryo, the BIF, and cargo are visible (WNH)
blue roofs
The hypertats are now in view (WNH)
Way south, looking ar RF, Marisat and the berm (SJ)
fresh grade
Over the berm, nicely groomed and squared off. Not quite what it looked like after the winter (SJ)
dome scrapings
A good look at the berm and summer camp from the east...this gives an idea of what happens to the snow removed during landscaping (WNH)
ice cube trays
Moving closer to summer camp...the freshly prepared empty rows are for the winter's trash and garbage (WNH)
Altie's meadow
And a close view of summer camp (WNH)
the big golf ball
Looking toward the skiway at the MARISAT/GOES terminal (WNH)
The RF building and the MARISAT dish with its newly erected radome (WNH)
en couchant
The NOAA Atmospheric Research Observatory (ARO) (SJ)
Dana was here
The SETI telescope, next to the relocated AASTO building (SJ)
out east
I'll finish up this page with a good overall view of the east side of the skiway from the edge of the clean air sector (FB)
Next...the dark sector...

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