After the weather warmed a bit, mid November saw the start on the new radome for the MARISAT-GOES terminal...the first two panel rings were fabricated in place. |
 Here the first 2 rings are complete, ready for the next section...(26 November) |
 Here goes the preassembled center section. The radome will reduce icing and make maintenance a more comfortable affair (26 November) |
 With the radome nearly done (3 December), some sundogs make for an interesting photo. |
 Another view of the main entrance taken at this stage of construction, with the mechanical room next to it. |
 Here's a view from just inside the door. |
 Then the top rings were pieced together on the ground... |
 into individual rings... |
 ...and finally into a completed top section ready to lift. |
 But first, the erection site was the setting for a "Mass Casualty Incident" drill on 11 December. |
 After that diversion, the top was finally ready to lift into place on 15 December. |
 Up.... |
 up... |
 ..and awayyyy. |
 ...and down easy. |
 A closeup... |
 and an inside view. |
 Time to bolt up... |
 Almust done!
 A late January aerial shot of the completed radome... |
 ...and my mid-February view from the skiway. |
Photos #2-#4 are by Nick Powell from the USAP photo library, the rest are from the common drive.