South Pole Winter 1977

Pole Souls

Lloyd Anderson    Auckland, NZ        Met technician          NZ Meteorological Service
Ken Barker        Salt Lake City, UT  Seismo/sattrack         US Geological Survey
Denis Boucher     Sanford, ME         Cook                    H&N
Jim Fletcher      Manassas, VA        Seismo/sattrack         US Geological Survey
Jerry Gastil      San Diego, CA       Comms coordinator       H&N
Ken Gibson        Quincy, MA          Electrician             H&N
Brad Halter       Boulder, CO         NOAA observer           NOAA/ARL/GMCC
Stu Harris        Glenwood, WY        Cosray                  Bartol Research Foundation
John Heg          Seattle, WA         Supply                  H&N
Fritz Koerner     Shelburne, VT       Physician               H&N
Bill Koleto       Villa Park, CA      Facility engineer       H&N
Al Nelson         Granada Hills, CA   Maintenance mechanic    H&N
Simon Norman      Ashburton, NZ       Met observer            NZ Meteorological Service
Gary Rosenberger  Boulder, CO         NOAA tech               NOAA/ARL/GMCC
Marshall Soares   Concord, CA         Micromet/computer tech  UC Davis
Bill Spindler     Parma, OH           Station manager         H&N
Lee Sundblad      Alexandria, MN      Power plant mechanic    H&N
Dave Thelander    Wadsworth, NV       Comms tech              H&N
Craig Whan        Chico, CA           Micrometeorology        UC Davis
Tadashi Yogi      Los Angeles, CA     Gravity/SSL             UCLA
Alex Zaitzev      Moscow, USSR        Geomag                  Inst. of Terrestrial Magnetism,
                                                               Ionosphere and Radio Wave

(the big one, 70 mb TIFF file scanned at Pole September 2005) (I recommend you right-click and
save it rather than trying to view it online). I must add that the photo on display at Pole is
on long-term loan from Bill Koleto (who later was the engineering manager for Antarctic
Support Activities (ASA) in the 90s).

We took several group winterover photos...the first one was in March...thinking that we might not
be on speaking terms later in the winter. Another was taken around midwinters...they are here.