who we are

The Dome
Above...what the station looked like when the first of us 1977 Pole Souls (as we called ourselves) arrived. This view is from fairly early in the season. The second flag on top of the dome was the Bicentennial flag which flew there until the end of 1976.
showing the flag
another view of the station entrance from the 1976-77 VXE-6 cruisebook.
an early winter photo in front of the dome 
Still another group shot of all 21 of us early in the winter before dark...we thought we ought to take a couple of early winterover photos in case we weren't on speaking terms later. But no worries as it turned out.
Pole Souls in front of the dome
A color photo of most but not all of us in front of the dome entrance.
Pole Souls in the library
We took another version of our winter-over picture in
the library around midwinters; this features all 21 of us.
the 1977 Pole Souls
This "official" version got created in the darkroom, mostly by Alex and Jerry...in part because we wanted a photo that everyone could take with them at the end of the winter. This meant it must be black-and-white, of course, as we had no way to produce color prints. This also allowed us to identify ourselves. Now it is part of the rogues gallery in the main hallway of the elevated station. During my second winter it was still hanging on the back wall of the library in the dome, which of course is no more. Oh, I should also mention that this copy of the photo now at Pole was loaned to the station by Bill Koleto after the original disappeared.
the dome library in 1999
Some interesting documentation of our 1977 winterover photo...here is 1999 NOAA winterover tech Joel Michalski looking at it in September 1999 in the dome library above comms. Here is an archived version of Joel's diary entry where he discusses the winterover photos.