From: Joel Michalski
Subject: South Pole Report #29, Winter-over Picture
Date: Tuesday, September 07, 1999 8:58 PM

Hello Everyone!

It was a hectic weekend. Unfortunately, we switched to a new computer network server so we were without e-mail the last 3 days. The conversion has been frustrating and our lack of connection with the outside world a little disconcerting.

Many things are happening here at Pole. Twilight is incredibly bright, yet there's still 15 days 'til sunrise! This past Saturday some of us went on a secret expedition to the South Pole's only archeological site, I'll write about that next week. On the environmental front, the ozone hole over Antarctica is beginning to open up (as it does every spring), I'll write about that in coming weeks. It's also been dang cold, -95F today!

Finally, this morning we assembled everyone on station to shoot the 1999 winter-over photo. Traditionally, the winter-over crew takes a group photo and hangs a framed copy on the back wall of the South Pole library. Browsing the library wall you'll find group shots dating back to the 1970s. All the photos have the winter-over year and the names of the crew members. From these pictures I've found a couple past Polies who are now senior NOAA employees.

Two pictures are attached:

              bulletLIBRARY.jpg: The back wall of the South Pole library, I'm sitting on the couch looking up at all the previous winter-over group photos. You may notice only 18 pictures, apparently not every winter-over crew took a group photo.

              bulletWO-PIC_3.JPG: Here's the digital of our winter-over photo. It's not the best resolution so I won't even try to describe who the people are. You won't be able to recognize me either, but I'm on the far right, about the second row from front! This picture also gives you a glimpse of today's (September 7) twilight!

As soon as we develop a print and make a frame we'll hang the 1999 winter-over crew photo, right along side all the others!! This is exciting to me personally. I recall my early weeks at Pole, about 10 months ago, browsing these library photos and not really believing that I would be part of a crew that would hang its picture here. Now It's hard to believe my South Pole tour is less than two months from completion!

From the Ice,


Today's Weather: Mostly clear, very cold, -95F
Next Week's Report: South Pole Archeology
Altitude of the Sun: 6 degrees below the horizon!!! Oh My!!!
PS: The stars are fading fast, today I may have seen the last of the Southern Cross! Now only the brightest stars in the sky are visible!

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