South Pole Winter 2012

Here's the official winterover photo, another classic created by Robert Schwarz!
2012 South Pole winterover group photo

Hmmm...looks like the guys in the middle didn't get the word about the Big Red parkas. Here's a full size image (and there is a better quality copy if anyone is interested). Thanks Robert! Oh...there WAS another version...this one won't go on the wall, perhaps because of the explicit language :)

Midwinters weekend 2012!

chilly night
Above is the official 2012 midwinter photo, created by Robert Schwarz, of course. (larger version, 1.5 MB)

Below, the official invitation:

bring two sleeping bags

The official middle of the winter was on Thursday 21 June, but there was lots of stuff going on for the entire weekend:

lots of stuff going on

And this is the fantastic 23 June dinner menu!


Jumping back in's the sunset "dinner" menu...actually the dinner was an
all-day Farmer's Market event beginning with a lunch course served at the greenhouse!
sunset dinner menu

And our President, Barack Obama, did not forget to send along his greetings!

Thanks to Heather Porst for sharing the sunset dinner menu! Other credits for the great photos, artwork and food are as indicated! Yeoww, it is sad to think that as of March 2022 it has been 14 years since I last was at Pole at this time of year...and 45 years (ulp) since the first time. We had fun on midwinter day back then as well, and we 1977 Pole Souls still exchange greetings at this time of year.