South Pole Winter 2010

some pole souls

This is the official midwinters greeting card that got sent around to the rest of the Antarctic stations as well as the rest of us. NSF posted a special news feature about this long-standing tradition...

Barack Obama sent the traditional midwinters greeting letter from the White House.

And the 2010 winterovers are:

Derek Aboltins
Ralf Bernard Auer
Kevin Berck
Johan (John F.) Booth
Boyd W. Brown
Ella R. Derbyshire
Nathan M. Dyer
Genevieve L. Ellison
Ethan R. Good
Ernie Gray
Flint O. Hamblin
Michelle (Shelby) Handlin
Rhiannon M. Henning
David M. Holmes
Dana (James D.) Hrubes
Emanuel (Philipp E.) Jacobi
Jeff King
Debra S. Kolmodin
Matthew W. Lee
Ricardo A. Lopez
Daniel M. Luong-Van
Mel MacMahon
Jason D. McDonald
John M. Maloney
Timothy O. Markle
Sheri A. McKeen
Shaun Meehan
Cody Lee Meyer
Nicholas C. Morgan
Suzanne M. O'Reilly
Virgil E. Porterfield
James C. Reaves
Steffen Richter
Joseph Romagnano
Elizabeth Rose
Raul S. Salinas, III
Chris Scadden
Kelly C. Schermerhorn
Francis A. Shiel
Paul Smith
Hung H. So
Marc A. Stavale
Kenn Taylor
Deborah L. Travis (Townsend)	 
James Travis, III
Emily Wilson
Randall Wilson

Here's the midwinter dinner menu, the feast was held on Friday 18 June:

fresh bananas

Let's not be confused by this menu.

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