2011-12 Photos - Ship Offload - Page 2

Sailing off...
seminar at sea
A pleasant day for boating. (SFA)
barging in
Closing in on the unloading site. (SFA)
do the twist
Almost there. (SFA)
the push
a close scrape
A few more feet. (SFA)
shore thing
Tada! (SFA)
where's the cargo ship, we're ready for it!
And voilą! We have a 160-foot pier! (WH)
The causeway pier is installed.
lighten up
The sun came out...
big red boat
The ship waits.
wait for it
It clouded up again...
empty parking space
And the Green Wave is...
all tied up
bag drag
Looks like shift change, time to get started.
get dirty
The ramp has been leveled up...time for action.
Off we go.
the view from 209
The view from the re-aimed camera on Observation Hill.
food for thought
Up and away...
contain yourself
a bit more
A bit more...
to be continued

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The photos seen here were obtained from the McMurdo webcams unless otherwise indicated. Some are from the Operation Deep Freeze (Joint Task Force - Support Forces Antarctica) Facebook page (SFA), and the 331 Transportation Company (Causeway) Facebook page. Others were taken by William Henriksen (WH) and are in the Antarctic Photo Library.

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