1999-2000 Photos - Passageways and Vertical Tower


test erection of the stair tower
Note that the bottom portion of the stair tower had been test assembled in McMurdo (C)...
stair assembly
Back at Pole, here is a closeup of the steel erection (C).
the vertical tower liner
Here goes the first layer of the steel liner of the vertical tower. Behind it, the arch is moving closer to the tower (C).
another liner layer
The first bit of outer liner (corrugated aluminum siding) is being installed (FCA).
looking toward the dome
Looking from another angle, the dome is in the background (C).
walkway framing
Meanwhile, there was work going on inside the arches...we're looking toward the power plant and garage (FCA).
arch connection to the stair tower
The connection of the arch and stair tower, on the outside (FCA)...
bottom of the stairs
...and the inside (FCA).
finish work in the power plant arch
Finish work in the power plant arch at the passageway toward the stair tower (RL).
the completed passageway
The view from above. These 2 photos were taken on 21 January (RL).
another look at the upwind end of the power plant arch
Another look at the upwind end of the power plant arch (RL).
passage toward the stair tower
Another look toward the stair tower (RL).
putting the top on for the winter
The tower is topped out, temporarily, for the winter. To be continued (C)...

Credits...JL is Josh Landis (photo from the Antarctic Photo Library), C is Carlton Walker, FCA is Ferraro Choi and Associates (the architect of record...and in particular friend Joe Ferraro), SK is 2004 winterover Sarah Kaye, and RL is Randall Landsberg, who is currently with the Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics at the University of Chicago.

By the way, the initial erection of the Dark Sector Laboratory (DSL) also happened this season.

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