1999-2000 Photos - Dark Sector Laboratory (DSL)

elevated foundation pad

Preparing to build the next dark sector science building...a foundation pad was prepared near MAPO...and some other structures, some of which are still around. Uh yes, this happened in 1999-2000, NOT the previous summer as I'd thought and posted for awhile once. This aerial view looks southeast.

DSL foundation construction
Next, laying out the foundation pads and steel truss members...
the dark sector with the DSL footings laid out
This aerial view looking southwest shows the DSL footings laid out (photo from K. Michael Morrison).
erecting the SIP panels
...and erecting the SIP panels. Yes, the banner reads "Graceland"--can anyone enlighten me?
construction finished for the season
And there it is...the basic shell is erected and enclosed.
aerial view at the end of the season
Here's what it looked like from the air, looking northeast.
DSL seen from the PICO drilling area
DSL on 24 January, as seen from the PICO area where AMANDA holes were happening. This photo is from Randy Landsberg (archived page from the CARA website). Randy was the Education Coordinator for CARA.
DSL in 2000
Here's another view at the end of the summer (NSF
photo by Jack Corbin).

Remember, this structure had been purchased from the vendor as a prefabricated housing building, with that standard configuration of doors, windows, exterior platforms, and interior partitions. Which of course required modification for the actual end use design. Most of that work would come later as the actual end use evolved...and changed. At this phase of construction there were no firm plans on its use--the elevated station design and the Pole science requirements were still evolving. Anyway, this is how DSL looked...until the 2002-03 summer when construction resumed. Occupancy would not occur until the 2005-06 summer.

Credits...all photos are from Carlton Walker unless noted.

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