1997-98 Photos - New and Raised Garage Arches


old arch raised, new arch under construction
As the old garage arch was being raised, work continued on the new arch (C).
new arch erection
As seen here...with lots of scaffold.
new arch erection
Another angle.
assembling arch pieces
Assembling the individual pieces of the arch sections.
new arch erection
As arch erection continued, work started on the holes in the arch walls for the connecting passageways.
access for connecting passageway tubes
A closeup of the framed tube opening in the new arch...
access for connecting passageway tubes
...and the old arch.
access for connecting passageway tubes
Here's a look through both of them.
tube installation
Okay, here goes.
tube installation
A bit at a time...
tube installation

Looking through the culvert tube.
tube installation
And a bit more.
tube installation
A progress view from inside the new arch.
tube installation
Almost there.
tube installation
tube installation
Details, details.
tube installation, inside the old garage arch

From another angle. The astute observer will note that there isn't any structural support under the tubes other than snow.

All of the photos on this page are from Chris Rock except for those noted (C) from Carlton Walker.

Oh, we're not quite done yet, one more page of photos.

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