1997-98 Photos - New and Raised Garage Arches

Raising the Old Garage Arch

raising the old garage arch

While the new arch erection was underway, let's take a look at the raising of the old garage arch...which would become the LO arch about 10 years later. The arch was separated into 3 sections, stiffener/rigging channels attached, and each section was lifted gradually so that new footings could be installed.

raising the old garage arch
Here's a look at the skiway side.
raising the old garage arch
And from the inside.
getting ready for the wingwalls
I believe you can see the new wingwalls staged inside.
new wingwalls installed
And now they're installed.
new wingwalls being installed
Here they're being installed on the skiway side.
new upwind bulkhead
As soon as this arch section was bolted down, work started on the new upwind bulkhead. This one was wood, as it only needed to last about 10 years.
wingwalls next to the garage entrance
More of the wingwalls installed.
interior of upwind bulkhead

The inside of the upwind bulkhead under construction.
downwind arch section on cribbing
Nearly finished, only one more section of wingwalls to go.
wingwalls almost done
Looking at the dome side of the raised garage arch.
MC cable interference with the new footings

Sometimes things get in the way. I don't know what this is, but it could be the first MC feeder cable from the power plant to summer camp which we installed in 1976; it was still in service at least in the early 90's.
upwind bulkhead
Meanwhile, the upwind bulkhead was being completed.
installing wingwall covers
Yes, the wingwall supports did get closure panels.
raising almost completed
Almost done here.
the new downwind bulkhead
The new downwind bulkhead.
And a bit of backfill on the skiway side.

All of the photos on this page are from Chris Rock.

Still to come--finishing the new garage arch and connecting both arches

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