2016-17 Summer Photos - The new (-ish) carpenter shop...

...is actually the former nonsmoking lounge in the center of summer camp. A look inside:
the loud room
One of the two main rooms...this one is the "loud" room with the power saws etc. (SH)
the saw table
A closer look at the saw table (SH).
waste bins
The waste bins at the far end of the room...and cutouts in the end wall for longer pieces... (SH)
bench saw and bench
...to access this bench saw (SH).
more noisy stuff
More of the noisier power tools...and a bit of that iconic graffiti (SH).
the quieter room
A bench in the other quieter room...for assembly etc. And more graffiti (SH).
interior door
One side of the interior door (SH).
a wall of clamps

Just a few clamps (SH).
drill press and chargers
The drill press and a rack for battery charging (SH).
interesting door handle

An interesting twist on a door handle (SS).
a movable sliding deck
And there's a movable work deck, seen here outside (SH).

Credits and thanks--SS is Sheryl Seagraves and SH is carpenter Sayer Houseal.

Meanwhile, the old cryo/new BIF was being finished out.

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