2016-17 Summer Photos - Finishing out the BIF

...finishing out the interior walls and doors.
drywall on the inflation room

Fresh drywall on the inflation room walls (SH)...
drywall around the side door frame

...and around the side door (SH).
frp wall covering

Finishing with the FRP wall covering (SH)...
FRP finishing around the side door

...also around the new door (SH).
trimming out the large balloon doors
Trimming out the large balloon doors (SH).
And it's finished

  All finished (SH)!
completed BIF
A view of the completed new balloon inflation facility (SH)...
the new BIF
...and a closer look (SH).
the new BIF almost done
And an even closer look from when it was almost done (SbS). This
photo was shared by 2017 wo carpenter Richard Osburn, who noted
that he was the guy on the upper roof with the white hard hat(!)

All photos on this page from carpenter Sayer Houseal (SH) except for the last one, which was by Scott Smith (SbS).

A few more things were happening...solar science, and work in, around, and under the berms.

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