2013-14 Photos - Ice tunnel rehab

Also in the ice tunnels...an effort was underway to widen the ice tunnels, which are slowly being compressed by the deepening snow. Squares of snow were cut out of the walls and hauled out with a sled and pulley system.
widening the ice tunnels
Carpenter Patrick Bailey with a chain saw (AM).
Patrick Bailey with a chain saw
Another view of Patrick carving out the tunnel walls (SbS).
hauling out the snow
Loading up a sled with cut snow (PR)...
hauling out the snow
...and pulling it out through the power plant arch (PR).
emergency escape ladder
Here's manager Shelly Finley climbing up one of the emergency escape raises...there's been a project out there to drill these out and enlarge them as well, but it's still out in the future somewhere (ShS).

Here's Peter Rejcek's July 2014 Antarctic Sun article 'Tunnel Vision' with more details and photos. Photo credits: Andy Martinez (AM), Peter Rejcek (PR), Sheryl Seagraves (ShS), Scott Smith (SbS).

Meanwhile, up above, some of summer camp was being made to go away.

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