2008-09 Photos - Siding and Met Tower Extension

climb higher Documenting the progress of installing the gunmetal gray cladding on the back of the station, we can start here, where the scaffold that hung off the back of B1 all winter was moved to the next spot in November (Andy Martinez/USAP photo library).
no more SIP panels
And a couple of months later, the rest of the back side of the station had been completed except for some trim (Tom Hamann).
Over near ARO, the antenna riggers set up to add 5 sections to the meteorology tower to get it back up to 30 meters or 100 feet...
putting things together
First, the tower sections were assembled on the ground.
this is a setup
Here go the first three sections. Yes, they were supposed to be red and white like the old part of the tower, but that wasn't what showed up.
pin it
The first 3 sections in place, getting ready for the top ones.
putting it up there

Here goes the top two sections and the upper platform.
high times
Another view from a distance, with ARO in the foreground.

Next, a look at the new photovoltaic panels in summer camp:

all erected

All done...These tower photos are from the NOAA tech Cully (Patrick) Cullis, who reported that they didn't have to remove any of the instruments except for the wind bird that used to stand on a 7 meter pole at the top.

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