2008-09 Photos - Alternative Energy

power to the summer people

During the 2008-09 summer, a new test project saw photovoltaic (PV) panels installed on the roof of Altie Meadows, the central power building for the summer camp utilities. Six 175W Sharp modules were installed...2 facing west, and one each facing north, south, east, and up. They were closely monitored to determine the output of each panel 24/7...during the initial period of installation they averaged a total of 65 kWH weekly.

As a part of the study, the potential fuel savings was determined, assuming that all available roof and wall areas on station structures were outfitted with similar panel installations...the numbers indicated that a maximum annual fuel savings of 25% could be achieved...and a payback period of less than 2 years (material cost only) assuming a delivered fuel cost of $30 per gallon and an output of 13.04 kWH per gallon. In summary, about 2400 gallons of fuel per year would be saved for each 100 solar panels that were installed.

wall panels

Above, a view of the east side of the solar array. The above two photos are by RSA engineer Michael Hauke from his full report.

Below, two more views from late March 2010:

hot stuff
housing units
At left, a closeup of the installation. Above, a view of it looking across summer camp.

The two bottom photos are from Cody Meyer, one of the 2010 winter cooks.

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