2008 Winter Photos - Those doors into the beer can...

One project we started in August was the relocation of the main doors between the station and the vertical tower/stairwell. It seems that when these doors were originally installed, they were moved several feet into the vestibule because of elevation differences between the stair tower and the station. Now that the stair tower has been lowered, there was room to put the doors in the proper place and improve the thermal insulation in this often-chilly area.
the first level vestibule 'before'
Here's a "before" look at the first level vestibule from the hallway.
the same vestibule after the wall coverings were removed
A view of the same vestibule with the wall coverings torn away.
keep door closed
And here's a "before" view from the beer can side of the first floor doors. The goal of this project was to move the doors out and frame them into the SIP panels and station vapor barrier as was originally intended.
the first level doors after construction started
A bit later, a temporary insulated enclosure has been put up around this work area in an attempt to keep the area warm enough to keep the electrical cords from breaking, and the wood handrails have been removed.
utilities etc. under the first level ramp
Here's a look under the first floor ramp at the penetrations through the main station SIP panels into the subfloor. The fact that the door isn't in line with this wall (and there is no further insulation below the old door location several feet behind this wall) caused pipes to freeze more than once in the past. I see holes and air leaks...remember, all of this is supposed to be permanently insulated tightly and get the final siding panels someday.
the left outside first floor door jamb

A closer "before" look at the left outside first floor door jamb.
the first level door as work continues

Another look at the same door jamb a bit later after the insulated panel along the left edge of the photo was being cut away and rebuilt to accept the door frame. And some temporary electrical cords were poked through the wall.
the relocated first floor door
And by early September, here's a view of the relocated first floor door.
the level 1 vestibule after we did all we could do
What things looked like inside the first level vestibule when we finished...some creative welding was required. I had the original shop drawings, but what we found inside the walls didn't exactly match. And we didn't have the materials to do the interior finish.
the right side of the interior door jamb

Here is the right side of the first floor interior door jamb, as we left things.
conduits above the first floor doors
conduits above the first floor doors
Above, a set of "before" and "after" photos...we're looking straight up at conduits above the first floor vestibule (the beer can is toward the bottom of the photos). The wall at the bottom of the first photo is where the doors had been installed; in the second photo that wall is gone. The insulated conduit sleeves remain, presumably now hidden above the finished vestibule ceiling.
the first floor door threshold
Here's a closer view of that custom-made hardwood threshold. Did I mention that we had some extremely talented carpenters?
the first floor doors in 2012
Jump ahead to the 2012 winter...here's what these doors looked like. The wall has that black vapor barrier, but no siding panels.
The second floor doors presented some different problems...

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