2007-08 Aerial Photos--January 2008--Dark Sector

spase box
A couple of views of the telescope buildings looking north. In the lower right is the decommissioned SPASE-2 building...the detectors were dug up during the summer to clear the way for IceCube. In the center is some IceCube equipment being moved (GG).
cold box
Here's the SPASE-2 building all by itself, the skiway is in the background (FS).
From the north side, here's DSL/SPT, with MAPO off to the left. Oh, and several pedestrians (ED).
bridging the gap
A closer look at the entire building (GG).
roof squares
And from a higher angle (GG).
big dish
An excellent zoomed look at the SP Telescope in action (GG).
Another view from the other side (GG).
flexing muscles
This view of the building is from the BICEP end--this telescope was due to be decommissioned in the 2008-09 season (GG).
Back around behind the SPT dish, with MAPO in the background (GG).
Pole bowls
A straight on view over MAPO looking southeast (GG).
dark shadows
Swinging around the front side of the building (GG).
What you're looking at...the ground shields of two inactive telescopes that formerly looked to the cosmic microwave background. The bottom dish in the above two shots is VIPER, which was originally built in 1997 and most recently (through the 2005 winter) was the site of the ACBAR instrument operated principally by UC Berkeley. The instrument, control room and connecting link ("bowling alley") have been cold since then, but in 2008-09 the building space will be set up with the monitor the VLF antenna out behind DSL. The upper telescope is QUaD or "QUEST on DASI"--more acronyms...the DASI instrument was set up on the former SPIREX platform in 1999-2000, and QUaD operated from the same mount for 3 winters, 2005 through 2007. The mount may next be the site of BICEP 2....
Robert was here
A direct look into the QUaD/DASI ground shield (FS)...
hi Uncle Dave
And on around to the machine shop side of the building (GG).
the white building
Backing off a bit, this view from over the skiway shows the old AST/RO building in front of MAPO (SJ).
the whole thing
Finally, a good distant overview of the entire Dark Sector from the northeast (SJ).
Let us finish up with a look at summer camp and the berms.

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