2007-08 Aerial Photos--January 2008--Summer Camp and Berms

the camp site
Here's a view of most everything on the east side of the skiway, looking northeast.
tents and boxes
Here we are a bit closer to the dome (FS).
walk away
skua spoken here
A couple views of summer camp looking southeast (GG).
row row
MAPCON spoken here
Looking straight north at the berms. The construction Jamesways are in the mid center of these photos (SJ).
piled high
box your trash
Two shots from the other direction (SJ).
fresh rows
A closeup of some of the freshly groomed berm rows, with the construction shops at the far end (SJ).
sheet metal
The construction Jamesways looking toward the skiway (GG).
beer near
Looking northwest at the cargo office (blue building) and various DNF huts (SJ).
air guard
Just beyond those structures, the flight line (SJ).
in and out
An overall view of the cargo building area, Hypertats, and flight line (but no aircraft) (SJ).
blue buildings
The disused and buried Hypertats, which may go away someday. To their left is the power substation, and behind it are several red IceCube modules that need to be plugged in for the winter (SJ).
it's the end of the world and we know it
Now let's look at the "end of the world" or the south end of the berms (GG).
spools for fools
A bit closer look at Spoolhenge, to the left of it are some of the extra ITASE traverse vehicles (GG).
let's go sledding
The sled lineup...and behind them are some of the extra buildings (SJ).
The extra arch pieces and full fuel tanks (SJ).
for the next dome
The fuel tanks got inspected often during the winter (SJ).
rf arf

Let's finish up with a couple of looks at the MARISAT-GOES radome and RF building, here seen looking northwest. In the upper left is the meteor radar shack (GG).
dome dome
And this view is looking northeast. The new pad and foundation are for the SPTR-2 antenna/radome platform for the next round of satellites, the antenna and radome were to be installed in 2008-09 (GG).
The photo credits: GG is Glenn Grant, ED is Ethan Dicks. SJ is Scot Jackson, and FS is Fredrik Sorqvist. As usual, some of the better photographers on station are invited to take these photo flights.

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