2007-08 Aerial Photos--January 2008--Dark Sector

way down
We're way downwind of the dark sector. From left to right, the IceCube drill camp, IceCube laboratory (ICL), South Pole Telescope (SPT) attached to the Dark Sector Lab (DSL), and the Martin A. Pomerantz Observatory (MAPO) with its two inactive telescopes, VIPER and QUAD/DASI (SJ)...
...and swinging around the west side of the dark sector away from the station. In these views the IceCube drill camp has not yet been moved to the winter/next summer position over amongst the graded areas where next year's holes will be drilled (GG).
little boxes
A closer look at the drill camp (GG).
trailer park
Many of the buildings are already ready for the move (GG).
the lab
Let's zoom in on the ICL (FS).
counting house
A bit closer to the roof (GG).
beaker box
And a bit closer to the ground. The two round towers are the cable entries, the cables run to the racks of equipment in the server room on the second floor (GG).
blue building
A close look from the west side. Some of the original solar heating panels left over from the days of the elevated dorm, are still on the exterior wall. The building is heated electrically-- actually mostly from the heat of all the electronics (GG).
the reel thing
Back around in front of the building, with the drill camp in the background. Also the main hose reel, which would be towed across the skiway for winter storage (GG).
little boxes
Some of the packed/staged material at the next drill camp site (GG).
a dark sector
Back around the west side for a look at the entire dark sector (GG).
telescopes ahead
A bit closer to the telescope buildings northeast of the ICL. We'll take a look at that area next (GG).

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