2007-08 Photos - Pretty Stuff and Snowdrifts

Well, the "pretty stuff" was what C called it, the finishing touches that would not go on until the end. Well, it is the end...

mounting hardware not included
First, here's the wind deflector that got put up in front of the connecting link just before dedication.
white room
A closer look. Assembly of this took up a bunch of space in the science lab.
cool corner
Moving east, here's the new main entrance with flags flying.
fine finials
A closer view. Note the fine finials atop the flagpoles.
down below
While we're here, let's take a look at some of the landscaping...a lot of it was done in preparation for the dedication, or winter, or whatever...
grade beams
Underneath the station. It might be interesting to compare some of these photos with my shots from October 2005.
tough sledding
Another view of the landscaping at this upwind corner of the station...
red flag warning
...and another. The red flags are monitoring points for the winter.
gunmetal gray

Behind the station, the siding crew was hard at work putting the finishing touches on B4/the gym (photo by Peter Rejcek from the Antarctic Photo Library).
deck the walls

Also back behind the station, here's where the siding crew left off at the end of summer--the west side of B1.
walk this way
Turning around, here's the Ceremonial Pole on the other side of the connecting link.
back side
A more distant view of the back of the wings.
it's a gas
Looking the other way at Cryo, and the VFM to the left (and in front) of it. The Vehicle Fueling Module is the new filling station for heavy equipment...just now getting commissioned. This replaced the old fueling point at the end of what is now the Logistics Arch.

I should mention that all of the photos on this and the previous page were taken by me unless otherwise noted.

Oh...there also was a solar observatory set up in the dark sector.

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