2007-08 Photos - Old Power Plant/Arch Demo Continued

condo view
The remaining steel structure over the old loading dock. The original addition constructed here during the 1989 winter was all frame construction--this steel was added in the mid 90s to support the air tank and piping for the sootblowers... for the wet silencers that resided in a separate structure just behind that piece of roof.
walk this way
Looking along the walkway headed toward the old garage arch.
lots of ventilation
During the first weeks of summer the demo picked up in earnest.
the heat is off now
Another view of the detritus.
going away
More detritus.
tear down the walls
That wall with the graffiti is no more.
floor bored?
And the rest of the office is gone.
arch end
What was going on at the end of the arch.
floored again
A few days later, down to the bare floor.
what's the hold up?
And a few more days later, down to the foundation trusses.
basis of design
Another look at the foundation looking upwind.
iced in
And then there was nothing left but the timber footings, here seen looking upwind...
heavy wood
...and downwind.

All of the photos in these two pages came from various places on the common drive. Now that the arch was empty of this old 1970s stuff, it was time to look outside and see what had been happening to the arches themselves.

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