2007 Winter Photos - Finishing the gym...with a time capsule

artifacts left by the 1992 wo's in the base of the comms console

Okay, now that I have your attention with that time capsule statement, here's the rest of the story. Above...the contents of the base of the dome comms radio desk, which had been constructed by the 1992 winterovers...and they left some stuff inside. Totally undocumented until it was discovered during the 2006 winter comms demo (LS) (more information).

But this is about the gym, which was still not quite finished until the 2007 winter. Mainly because of the snow ramp and temporary double doors at the south end, left over from construction. They'd remained until 2006-07 for access to move large items into and out of the station.

volleyball in the gym
The almost-finished gym at the end of the 2006 winter, here being used by (from left) Robert Schwarz, Craig Bell, and Denis Barkats. In the background is the unfinished south wall (HL).
the back end of B4
The south outside wall of the gym in 2006-07...the snow ramp has been removed, but the door is still visible behind the temporary stair, which wasn't replaced until the 2007-08 summer (JJ).
Finally it was time to finish the last remaining construction of the new station...the south wall of the gym, enclosing the large level 1 closet, it's two double doors, the contents of the 1992 comms time capsule...
looking the other way
...and some new items, including some science info and a CD with construction photos and crazy photos of the 2007 crew. Here they are laid out outside the closet door (AM).
looking the other way
This view from inside the closet shows the items installed above the head of the east double doors (JW).
artifacts above the door
Looking the other way. The red bottle is another new addition (JW).
January 2007 Girl Scouts time capsule

This was actually a new time capsule from a Girl Scout group in Greenfield, NY. I'm hoping someone can share the story about it (JW).
Ardent Bement Jr. at the Pole dedication
The idea was, of course, to finish the gym in time for the dedication ceremony on 12 January 2008. Here, NSF director Arden Bement Jr. is speaking...the time capsule is directly behind the screen behind his head(!) (C).
the gym today
Here's a July 2014 look at the gym; the artifacts are above the double doors to the left of the basketball net (RB).

As far as I know, this is the second of three "time capsules" hidden away in the elevated station (not counting all of those artifacts in the ice tunnels). The first one was emplaced in one of the station foundation beams in January 2002. The newest one is inside this. And as far as I know, none of these are documented by any sort of plaque or sign.

But you know where they are.

Credits: Liesl Schernthanner (LS), Heidi Lim Rehm (HL), John Jacobsen (JJ), Andy Martinez (AM), 2007 w/o James Walsh (JW), Chris ? (common drive photo...are you out there?) (C), and Ryan Boggs (RB).

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