The 2009 Pole Marker

where am I?

Here's a larger view of the unique marker that was installed on 1 January 2009. This one actually comes apart...the top portion unscrews. The inside is a repository for a time capsule of sorts--a jump drive full of stuff that we put on it for posterity, to be opened in 2058, well, that is if anyone can figure out what to do with a USB jump drive then. Oh, I must add that the actual jump drive was NOT inside of the globe at the time of placement outside, as we were concerned that it would not survive the winter temperatures. Katie Hess and I decided to hide it somewhere for safekeeping in the interim, and the word was to be passed to put the jump drive inside the marker in 2010 when this marker was moved to the warm display case in B3. 2012 when Katie was back at Pole for the winter I suggested that she check where we had hid it...and it was still there. She put it in the marker.

Below, a few more shots of the New Years Day ceremony:

a moving ceremony
To start things off, here SP station manager Scheuerman speaks in front of the SP sign, while it is still located beside the previous pole marker.

Art Brown was here
Here goes the move of the sign to the as yet un-unveiled new marker.

the sock is off
And here is winter site manager Logan Grover
after unveiling the new masterpiece.

around the world

Another view of the new marker.

Credits: All these photos are from the USAP photo library; all but the last one are by Reinhart Piuk, and the last one is by Nick Powell. Thanks!

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