2000-01 Photos - Elevated Station (continued)

upper level floor trusses continued
Another view of the first SIP panels and roof truss installation (ML).
Jerry Marty keeping an eye on things
As more SIP panels get installed (what are SIP panels?), Jerry Marty is keeping his eyes on things (TS).
the Cheese Palace
And here's where Jerry Marty hung his hardhat when he wasn't outside--the Cheese Palace, created from 2/3 of what we once knew as Mickey's Folly (the other third became part of the summer camp gym). This was the office for him and the design team, although it wouldn't get its signature crowning touch for a couple more years (KJ).
A1 steel erection
Here's some of the steel erection on A1 (JM).
the last piece of steel for this season
Not much later, here is the last piece of steel for the season (CW).
almost the last chamfer panel
Here goes one of the last SIP panel pieces on the back corner of A1 (SH).
...and the last SIP panel
the last chamfer panel
At 1721 on Wednesday 24 January the final SIP panel was installed on the downwind end of A1, as seen above (JR).
closed in
Almost done...all the windows are installed, as well as the removable panel into the A2 mechanical room (PR).
the new station and the old dome
In February at the end of the construction season, here's the newly constructed galley wing with the old station dome in the background (JM).
closed in
Almost done...all the windows are installed, as well as the removable panel into the A2 mechanical room (PR).
the new station and the old dome
In February at the end of the construction season, here's the newly constructed galley wing with the old station dome in the background (JM).
A1 with the dome
From a bit further back, here's another view showing A1 with the dome visible to the right (DH).
front view at the end of the season
Time to finish up the outside photos with this front view (DH).

Photo credits for these two pages: Carlton Walker (CW), Jerry Marty (JM), Katy Jensen (KJ), Dana Hrubes (DH), Paulene Roberts (PR), Chris Groppi (CG), Scott Smith (SS), Martin Lewis (ML), Tracy Sheeley (TS), Stephen Hudson (SH), and John Rand (JR). Some of the photos appeared on this NOAA ESRL page about the elevated station. And I also had some help from Steven McLachlan, Scott Smith, and Neil Conant.

The new power plant was also being completed during the 2000-01 summer...

...and here are some winter 2001 photos of the new station interior.

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