Winterovers with Japanese heritage

There now have been five winterovers from Japan or otherwise with Japanese heritage--including the first woman in 2023:
 Year                  Name                      Position/Affiliation
 1959             Fred Mayeda                meteorology          US Weather Bureau 
 1960             Henry Morozumi             aurora               Arctic Inst. of N.America/USAF
 1977             Tadashi Yogi               gravity researcher   UCLA
 2020             Yuya Makino                grantee              IceCube
 2023             Michelle Endo              retail coordinator   ASC-Amentum

Japan in Antarctica? Of course! They conducted a significant expedition in 1910-12, led by Nobu Shirase, which of course was mostly overshadowed in Western culture by what Scott and Amundsen were doing. But Shirase's expedition did briefly make contact with officers from Amundsen's vessel Fram (Wikipedia reference).

The third Japanese winterover was with me in 1977--Tadashi Yogi. Here he is during our 1976-77 summer with three Japanese researchers who were part of the first successful meteorite recovery project in Victoria Land.

(back to winterover statistics page)