1. John R. Hedley "John" LTJG (CEC) OIC
2. Richard M. Hook "Doc" LT (MC) Doctor
3. Michael L. Howell "Mike" SK2 Supply
4. Verner J. Jensen "Vern" CMC Mechanic
5. Rudolph Littleton "Tiny" RMC Radioman
6. James L. McDonald "Mac" EM1 Electrician
7. David G. Peterson "Pete" ETN1 Electronic Tech
8. Charles E. Ruiter "Charley" EO3 Equipment Operator
9. Stanley I. Wood "Woody" EO1 Equipment Operator
10. Jack L. Blackwell "Blackie" CEW2 Electrician
11. George A. Cabral, Jr. "Duffy" CS2 Cook
12. Stephen L. Church "Steve" HM2 Corpsman
13. Douglas D. Harwood "Doug" BU1 Builder
14. Lynn H. Hartgrave "Drifty" UT1 Utility Tech
1. Albert T. Joern "Al" Sleep/Pulmonary Studies
University of Oklahoma, Med. School
2. C. Stanton Massey "Stan" Met. Technician
ESSA/Weather Bureau
3. Hain Oona "Hain" Upper Atmosphere Studies
ESSA/ Research Labs
4. Fred W. Walton "Fred" Seismology/Geomagnetism/Gravimetric
ESSA/ US Coast and Geodetic Survey
5. Dan M. Chadwick "Dan" Met.. ET
ESSA/Weather Bureau
6. Harold L. Coleman "Les" Met. in Charge/Station Scientific Leader
ESSA/Weather Bureau
7. John R. Bower "John" Ionospheric Physics
Bartol Research Foundation
...with thanks to Fred Walton for the names.
Okay...where'd the photo come from? Earlier this year, one of the w/o's, EM1 James L. McDonald
passed away in Palm Harbor, FL. A local antique dealer was tasked with selling some of the stuff,
which included three "Society of the South Pole" certificates he thought significant (I remember
these from my '70's deployments)--two were blank and one was made out to James McDonald and signed
by OIC LTJG John Hedley. And a "by the way, there's a group photo..."
Many thanks to Daniel McCoy and his wife, who own the antique store The Iron Pelican Antiques
in St. Petersburg, FL. for sending me the photo (as well as the certificates).
Here is the huge (68mb) Photoshop (psd) winterover photo.
Oh, if anyone wants a blank "Society of the South Pole" certificate, you can download it here.
I should note that the original certificate is 21" wide by 15-1/2" high...and that file is
35 mb. Below, a smaller version (its link is 3.6 mb).
