The moonlit new station in early July. Photos are from Dana Hrubes unless noted; he has many more here.
 The moonlit dome and skylab with aurora! |
 The SETI/AASTO telescope and service building, 10 June. |
 The South Pole flag at half mast on 11 June. |
 A second view with the flag well illuminated by the lights inside the dome. Temperature: -91°F. |
 These next two shots were taken on 8 June. |
 Another view, a different angle, a different aurora. |

This photo was featured on the NSF home page. A much larger version is available here on the news highlights page. |

The new station under the full moon. These next 4 are from 5 May. |
 The dome and skylab. Dome? What dome? |  The front door...this stuff is fun to walk through when the moon is down. |
 Looking across at the dark sector buildings. |  Here is the new station on 6 April, under the first full moon of the night (photo by Sean Ryan). |