Feb 4. Arctic countdown 50 days | |
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We slept for twelve hours; our first full nights sleep in a week. We are so skinny that we'll serve only as toothpicks to the Polar bears. Our bodies are so adapted to a forward sliding motion that we fall over at any flight of steps. Our fingertips are hyper sensitive; simple tasks like tying shoe laces hurts. We have a stiff walk, muscles still sore and the look of the very ill in our faces. In the last week at Antarctica, our rest pulse, normally in the fit 50s, ranged between 80-95 even right before and after sleep. Our heart simply never stopped pounding. We are very worn. Read more |
ExWeb update Feb 2, 11.00am EST. Server breakdown | |
The traffic on the site after Tom and Tina's arrival at the South Pole
has been huge, over 320.000 hits yesterday. This actually caused
a server breakdown ! Tom & Tina are currently enroute back to Punta Arenas, Chile and will be back with a new dispatch tomorrow. | |
Jan 31/Feb 1 90 degrees South THE SOUTH POLE | |
![]() | S90 00 T08.30AM(Chile) Alt 3000m TT 12,0 h D 26,3 km TD 1133,1km/63days DSP 0 km (1100) sleds w 82 kg -37C/5kts, Sun As 2/3 The last day turned every bit as hard as the previous. Chill of -70C and twelve hours travel. Already 24 km before the pole we spotted a building. It blew our mind and we started to run. But one hour and no breath later we slowed and watched the South Pole station grow before our eyes. We wrote frequent messages in the snow to each other and grand thoughts raced our brains interrupted only by the occasional roast turkey flying by. The polar station was backlit by the sun and it was like something from Waterworld. Or a base station on another planet. So unreal and so entirely awe-inspiring. Sounds of engines and mechanics, fumes and smell of industrial fuel, weird buildings and machines all lay deserted in the pale light. The station is on NZ time and we took it that everyone was to bed it being their midnight. It was like leaving the world of adventure and entering the world of science, although it is the same thing really. Except we couldn't find the stick marking the pole. We thought of knocking on the door of a hut and ask for the SP, but just then we noticed a crowd of perhaps 20 people in the distance. They waived and filmed. Cold and desperately tired we hurried over. It was the station guys up and waiting for us! We skied to the mark and they cheered us on. CNN was there for another coverage and so they got us too. There were flags everywhere and we watched each other like beings from different planets. We must have made some sight, frozen solid. After 60 days of isolation this was a very warm welcome. Well, we are in tent now, very tired and immensely happy. Hey guys, we made it! |
Jan 30. Last camp | |
![]() | S89 46 W80 37 T04.30AM(Chile) Alt 3000m TT 12,0 h D 26,1 km TD 1106,8km/62days DSP 26,3 km (1100) sleds w 85 kg -40C/10kts, Sun Ci 2/3 Realized it in the morning and began to laugh silly at each other. Success, so close. Saw human marks: Bandwagon trails. It's different now. Truly a polar cap. The light is fluorescent. The shadows sharp and long. The ice is sandy. The sun a white star, strange jetlike clouds pointing like Gods fingers towards North the world. It's completely silent and its small: The horizon remarkably close. This is what it must be to walk on Jupiter's ice moon Europa. 125 days, our last night with the Princess. We are so utterly tired. Memories flicker in our minds. Pain, frustration, tears, defeat. Joy, laughter, awes, victory. A life on planet Antarctica. And now, a farewell. Don't forget me, she whispers. We never will. |
Jan 29. Why? | |
![]() | S89 32 W79 37 T01.30AM(Chile) Alt 3000m TT 11,0 h D 25,0 km TD 1080,7km/61days DSP 52,4 km (1100) sleds w 88 kg -37C/2kts, Sun As St 5/8 We go round the clock now. At first we only thought how tired and miserable we were. Cold feet were heated by Hotronics, which worked well. Then the midnight sun turned to shine at our faces and we realized that, except for the manned stations, we are now all alone skiing Antarctica. Just as we once were alone with Everest. That felt, well, big. Is this a pilgrimage to us, we are asked? In many ways - yes. As Mallory said upon his arrival at Everest: "So, what have we come to conquer? Only ourselves." Then there is the sheer desire for adventure "because its there." We explore the world to understand it and to understand ourselves. Deacons who deal with dying people say that people are usually not afraid of dying, but of not to have lived. On expeditions we deal with many fears: Fear of dying, fear of pain, fear of poverty. But there is this one fear we never have the fear of not living. Perhaps that's the real answer to the difficult question of why. |
Jan 28. Final struggles | |
![]() | S89 18 W81 36 T11.30PM(Chile) Alt 2900m TT 10,0 h D 22,7 km TD 1055,7km/60days DSP 77,3 km (1100) sleds w 91 kg -40C/10kts, Sun The cold came on fast. By lunch break we put out the thermometer for a minute and it went straight to -40C although it was probably closer to -42C had we had the time to leave it out longer. As long as we had moved we were all right, but as we stopped we froze to the bone. Hands felt tripled in size and lost all feeling in seconds We couldn't eat or drink, just run to regain heat. Our hearts raced and we wanted to vomit but the choices were either that or freeze. A westerly 10-knot pierced the tiniest bare piece of skin. The ten hours were sheer torture. Suddenly those last days count down to hours and nothing feels certain. What if it gets worse? We had thought we would be celebrating by now. We are far from it. We also worry for the batteries, only cleared down to -40C. Luckily Toms frostnip is better. And Tina found her missing MD-earplug. It's visible on the pic, frozen to her facemask. |
Jan 27. The last degree - 89 South | |
![]() | S89 06 W82 19 T11.30PM(Chile) Alt 2900m TT 10,5 h D 25,0 km TD 1033km/59days DSP 100 km (1100) sleds w 94 kg -37C/0kts, Ac 7/8 Comes clouds and we have -25C. Returns the sun and we are back at -37. At times we travel through cold spaces where the temp drops even further, similar to when scuba diving in layers of cold and warm waters. We have cold sores in our mouths, cough, rashes and Tom have frostnip on a toe. It's impossible to brace for the cold anymore, the nips attacks even though we feel warm. Remove a shoe and there it is, a blue spot. We administer painkillers (it hurts at night as the tissues thaw) and antibiotics. Our tent is a snow cave, our clothes freeze stuck to one another. It's unreal. What can we say we need a fireplace, a whisky and a big grilled chicken. |
Jan 26. -37C/-35F | |
![]() | S88 53 W82 26 T11.30PM(Chile) Alt 2900m TT 10,5 h D 25,2 km TD 1008 km/58days DSP 125 km (1100) sleds w 97 kg -37C/0kts, Sun Cc 2/8 It begins to look like one of the coldest expeditions yet. No other logs we have seen show these temps. Passed 1000 km today, only 125 km left. Actually, we have skied almost 1900 km to get here. The ice, growing by about 2 cm a year, puts Scott's and Amundsen's footsteps only 1,5 m (5ft) below us. Wonder if they too feared frostbite and the cold and if they, like us, now could feel a faint breath of the South Pole. We are bombarded by the neutrinos with their blue bar code light of origin, which, at the SP, Amanda halts inquiring: Where from, stranger? In her relentless search of that single one coming from the birth of Universe. At the end of our journey, we come to all s origin: The core of Gondwana, the Big Bang. We feel in much like those pioneer couples, in their prairie wagons venturing into the New World of America. Wide eyes, new frontiers and a few arrows in our backs. |
Jan 25. Polar fashion summer 2002 | |
![]() | S88 39 W82 48 T11.30PM(Chile) Alt 2900m TT 9 h D 21,3 km TD 982,8 km/57days DSP 150 km (1100) sleds w 100 kg -30C/4kts, AM W/O PM Cs, Ac 8/8 Cloudy, whiteout and cold. We truly count the days now. At lunch, Antarctica gave us a brief spectacle of 3 sundogs, 6 halos, a rainbow halo and a mock sun - all at once. But we are too tired now to give her proper attention. The pics show the inside of our clothing as we undress. The gloves freeze mitts onto shell, the balaclava freeze to our face, the facemask freeze to the balaclava. The jackets are iced up, there is ice inside our shoes. Since we have had no sun at night lately, the gear doesn't even dry for the next day. |
Jan 24. Polar high tech | |
![]() | S88 28 W82 13 T11.30PM(Chile) Alt 2900m TT 10 h D 22,1 km TD 961,5 km/56 days DSP 171 km (1100) sleds w 103 kg -34C/4kts, AM Sun PM St 7/8 Really hard days now, for us and the tech. The meter showed -25C inside our jackets. The wearables are frozen. Why don't you lose the tech and race for the pole? Fellow adventurers sometimes advise. NASA gets the same thing: Put monkeys in the rockets, it's cheaper and faster, we don't need people on Mars! Says a professor: It's all too high tech AI will take over, software will rule the world. No, shouts a kid: Mobiles will take over. They'll all start calling each other and the entire earth will beep busy! High-tech? shoots another kid, Its all so xxx-ing LOW-tech! We are already two years into the future and I don't see any flying cars? Where is Star Trek? We are with the kids on this one. If you want a good old adventure, sure - leave the tech. But if its exploration we are after, then the next frontier is Space. For that we'll need to add brains to legs. Man must learn not only to survive, but also actually work in severe conditions. High tech to one generation is low tech to the next. The kids are entitled to their tech future and Space is round the corner. Let's get ready. |
Jan 23. Deepest Antarctica | |
![]() | S88 16 W82 08 T11.30PM(Chile) Alt 2900m TT 10 h D 23,7 km TD 939,4 km/55 days DSP 193 km (1100) sleds w 106 kg -35C/2kts, Sun Boy oh boy it's cold. 10 hours in -35C at 3000 altitude hurts. There is ice everywhere. Inside the clothes, inside the tent. We sleep in snow, hot water bottles in sleeping bags to get warm. Everything is failing. The lighters, the fabrics, the tech. Both battery banks went broken; one probably due to failing overheating sensors, the other got its wires ripped when the sled overturned at a sastrugi. Are fixing things constantly now. Rewired one battery bank, discovered that the stoves need lots of air due to altitude and cook with tent flips open, keep GPS inside underwear to save the screen. Cover our faces and hands, a one minute camera shot renders blisters. It's increasingly hard to work in this cold. And so we run. To get there while everything lasts. |
Jan 22. 88 degrees South/Frostbite zone | |
![]() | S88 03 W81 55 T10.30PM(Chile) Alt 2900m TT 9 h D 20,0 km TD 915,7 km/54 days DSP 217 km (1100) sleds w 109 kg -31C/0kts, Ac St 7/8 This is the degree for frostbites and we take great care. Frostbite would seriously jeopardize our North Pole expedition. Frostbite usually occurs in the hands and the feet as the body protects the more vital organs like the brain by directing blood flow there. A Mars frostbite would be the reverse. The surface temp on Mars is quite all right at 60F. But due to the low gravity the heat escapes ground fast. If you stand up, your feet will be warm but your brain will freeze! We have some other trouble now though. All three burners choke with the cold and the altitude. We clean them and repair them tediously, but all of a sudden they perform very weak and uneven. We hope there is not something wrong with the gas. |
Jan 21. Major Tom | |
![]() | S87 53 W82 27 T10.30PM(Chile) Alt 2900m TT 10 h D 23,4 km TD 895,7 km/53 days DSP 237 km (1100) sleds w 112 kg -22C/4kts SE, AM St 8/8 PM Sc 8/8 Major Tom to Ground Control: I'm floating in a most peculiar way, and the stars look very different today! There is just one thing I hope for now, Tom said yesterday at the end of our first rest day since Christmas: That we don't get whiteout for the large sastrugi to come in the next two days. This morning we went out into perfect whiteout. At least it improved into no contrast for the afternoon. The sastrugi are there, but luckily they are not very mega. (The Ps note yesterday was for some friends who apparently conduct expeditions on their tropical island, inspired by this trip. Backpacks full of beer, they call home on "wearable mobiles" from the summits of local hills, write messages in the sand to each other and float in the ocean fully dressed too exhausted to strip. Shogun is a very special house on a neighboring island.) |
Jan 20. Bacon and preps | |
![]() | Oh wonderful rest day. Body repair! Stomach eat bacon! We relax and catch up on the NP preps. In California there is a surfer living in a hut perched on a cliff over the ocean. In his house, there are computers showing weather sat pics from the entire globe. He provides worldwide surfers with prognoses on where to catch the big ones. They call a 1-900 number and get the info for a few bucks. It has grown to a pretty business. Similarly, ExplorersWeb provides weather services to Himalayan climbers. Except our synopses are made by pros and free of charge. Mr. Park from Korea was one of the recipients this past summer. We all struck luck for he summited K2 on a good weather forecast. It was his 14th and final 8000er. Now, Park is heading for the North Pole and guess who'll share flights out? It's a small world. And a big one. (Ps You Carib people are insane! On your next expedition consider the weight rate ratio beer to vodka. Or that would take only a Swede or perhaps a Finn to understand? After expeditions, we'll rent Shogun and get you some real experience ; ) |
Jan 19. Mock sun | |
![]() | S87 40 W82 16 T11.30PM(Chile) Alt 2890m TT 10 h D 24,0 km TD 872,3 km/51 days DSP 260 km (1100) sleds w 118 kg -26C/8kts SE, AM Ci Cs 2/8 PM Cc 4/8 What's the sun doing on the ground? We looked at each other as we watched the shimmering ball on the horizon, just beneath the regular sun. Well, Antarctica treats us to all her treasures now for this was the fabled Mock Sun. We don't sleep much. 6 hours and we wake before the alarm. Perhaps our bodies are too hyped or it's the perpetual light. We think differently now. All erased and sorted out in this white Nirvana, we start to ponder the big questions. We dream differently too at sleep. Strange, fairy-tale like dreams often sprung from our audios: Lord of the Rings, Poisonwood Bible, War letters. Last night Tina carried a ring on a landscape of ice in the company of shadowy persons. Isolation is affecting us, Antarctica is taking over. We can call home on sat phone but can't really relate anymore. It's almost like being dead, looking down on our life. The voices, situations and faces are familiar and loved, but not real anymore. We'll snap out of it the minute we leave the ice. But right now, we are in the Antarctica hypnosis and the ice is our only world. The other is mock life just like that mock sun on the horizon. And tomorrow, at last, a rest day. |
Jan 18. Cold | |
![]() | S87 27 W82 18 T10.30PM(Chile) Alt 2505m TT 10 h D 21,1 km TD 848,3 km/50 days DSP 284 km (1100) sleds w 121 kg -25C/26kts SE, Sun -25C/25kts/2500m - a bit too many 25s to be funny. Gale, cold, uphill. The face masks froze to the tape on our faces and we must brake them loose now and then. Hypothermia is the wicked Gollum of Antarctica. It creeps up on you when you least know it. You shiver but hesitate to stop because it will make you colder. Then you finally decide you must add on clothes. By this time your fingers are stiff and you cant get to the stuff. As you struggle, a faint sadness descends on you and then a remote fear. Remote, because it is not your own fear. It is your bodys fear of death. You learn to dress up in time or you die in twenty minutes. The cameras freeze in the shot now, we carry the batteries next to our skin (frankly, Tina has them in her bra). It is a fierce Antarctic cold now. Last night, server down made for another emergency call. This time Andreas got it on his mobile at three in the morning. Thirty minutes later he was dressed and in the office in Stockholm getting alternative server data. Mission accomplished once again. Used the PDA for this one. |
Jan 17. Voice from Antarctica | |
This voice dispatch is our daily march call. It's dedicated to IceT, who works out at our gym and have taught us to say hi in proper style. Click here to listen | |
Jan 17. Lose, and start again at your beginnings... | |
S87 16 W82 02 T10.00 PM(Chile) Alt 2340m
TT 9 h D 22,5 km TD 827,2 km/49 days
DSP 305 km (1100) sleds w 124 kg
-22C/22kts SE, Ci 3/8 This was the end last year. 87 14 349, 82 57 043. How convenient it would have been to fly out here and do only the last bit left. But it doesn't work that way, here or in life. Whether we lose a business, a relationship, a job, rightly or not - we always must start over, from the very beginning. But we can learn from our mistakes, and bring that with us the next time. We hope to have done just that today, as we past this dreadful spot, 14 days ahead of last year. | |
Jan 16. 87 degrees South | |
![]() | S87 04 W81 29 T10.00PM(Chile) Alt 2215m TT 10 h D 25,4 km TD 804,7 km/48 days DSP 328 km (1100) sleds w 126 kg -20C/0-12kts E, Ac 5/8 Woke up to beautiful cumulus clouds above camp. We climb high now and Tom wrote "Lhotse wall in the snow, arrow pointing towards a steep hill. We often write messages in the ice to each other since we can't talk. The degree ahead offers mega sastrugis, a huge crevasse field and the final climb to the 3000 m/10 000-ft polar plateau. In a year we have skied 1000 hours plus training in between. In comparison, Olympic cross-country skiers practice 600-800 hours yearly. In fact, we have skied almost 200 hours without a rest day in the last weeks only. We check shoes, skis and bindings often. All are in excellent condition so far, probably because we use the cables. Broken soles and bindings are not unusual. And have we changed underwear? But of course! Once. And we don't wash either. Like Amundsen did, Tom shaves to prevent facial frostbite, and we brush our teeth. That's it. The cold kills all smell and we need the fat on the skin for cold protection. |
Jan 15. Time | |
![]() | S86 50 W81 09 T10.00PM(Chile) Alt 2050m TT 10 h D 25,7 km TD 779,3 km/47 days DSP 353 km (1100) sleds w 129 kg -20C/0-22kts, sun Are speeding up and travel full ten hours. Can't believe how squeezed we are for time now. In climbing and ocean crossing there is loads of hang around time involved. In polar travel the words hang around are the equivalent of maximum penalties. The day divides in minutes. 15 minutes search for a lost sock adds 3 days and 10 kg/20 lbs. in the end. We have a quick coffee in the morning, then pack, dig out tent, eat, load sleds, run run run, pitch camp, dig, shoot today's pics, change into dry clothes, charge power, log distance, weather, temp, cook, boil 12 l of water, write dispatch, edit pics, transmit over satellite, eat dinner. We are so focused that we don't even talk while working. Ready just before midnight, we choose between talking and mails. Right now we selfishly read the mails but answer with a few lines just the most urgent, North Pole preps and journalists (such diverse media as PocketPC magazine, Village Voice and CNN). The mantra for a polar expedition is very simply: Go, go, GO! |
Jan 14. Downwinds | |
![]() | S86 37 W81 19 T8.00 PM(Chile) Alt 1900m TT 7 h D 16,3 km TD 753,6 km/46 days DSP 379 km (1100) sleds w 132 kg -15C/0-30kts, Ac 8/8 PM W/O Started out in thick cloud but the sun broke at 5PM. A new front caught our eye. Straight from the south, a low bank of thick cloud with odd-looking twisters chasing ahead, just like squalls on the ocean. The down winds resembled curtains of ice racing toward us. We have never seen this before at Antarctica and pitched camp in a blink of an eye, securing everything tight. Soon the calm switched to violent snowdrift and the wind howled at 30 knots. We are now in thick and cold whiteout. As serene and pretty as Antarctica often is, this was just another reminder that we are in the great wilderness and on our own. A rescue plane would take days to reach us at the best in this weather. However on Antarctica, weeks of unflyable weather are not unusual. In places like this, we must play it safe. |
Jan 13. Mobile offices and office coworkers | |
![]() | S86 28 W81 14 T10.30PM (Chile) Alt 1800m TT 9.5 h D 22,2 km TD 737,3 km/45 days DSP 395 km (1100) sleds w 134,5 kg -12C/0 kts, Ac 8/8 PM sun If you thought of us at office yesterday, going the ten hours, now take a look around and pick a big person, around 120 kg/250 lbs. Put him in a kiddy pulka and pull him around for another ten hours. Make him lose a kilo/2 lbs a day. Eat those kilos. In a month or so, your sled will be much lighter and you can still go for another month. There the essence of a polar journey. Our mobile office holds two computers, a PDA, two phones, three cameras, two minidisks, GPS and Argos. That's a good size home office except there are no outlets around. Its tough to keep it all charged up, especially when the sun often is a stranger as in this season. When we do get the sun, we charge 24 hours and at times, as today, even in overcast conditions. At night, our tent twinkles with indicator lamps like a secret service surveillance van. |
Jan 12. No pain, no gain | |
![]() | S86 16 W81 26 T10.30PM (Chile) Alt 1770m TT 9.5 h D 21,5 km TD 715,1 km/44 days DSP 417 km (1100) sleds w 137 kg -12C/22kts NE, St 8/8 W/O sf A horrible day, snowing, blowing - the lot. Despite a rest day due, we decided to give it a shot and are glad we did. A storm always looks worst from inside a shelter then when actually out in it. We went through it for almost ten hours. Picture us tomorrow when you go to work - we'll be skiing. Then your lunch still skiing. Stuck in afternoon rush hour traffic? We are still out there. At your dinner we pitch camp. We go to bed aching and wake up sore. Frost knots in our face, skin burst and bleed, muscles stiff as bone, throbbing heels for the shoe inner soles are thin as paper. Made new padding this morning of the foam mattress. We don't take medical aids. The body heals itself. Most aches give way after 15 minutes or so. We tape our wounds and our gear and pop a Tylenol to sleep. Everest was about fear and determination. Antarctica is about pain and persistence. |
Jan 11. 86 degrees South | |
![]() | S86 04 W81 18 T10.00PM (Chile) Alt 1670m TT 9.5 h D 22,5 km TD 693,6 km/43 days DSP 439 km (1100) sleds w 140 kg -15C/15kts E, AM Sc 7/8 PM St 8/8 sf w/o Arrived the 86 in pretty hostile conditions. The sun was a pale disc, the ice and skies gray and misty, an easterly sent snowdrift gingerly snaking towards the weak sun and into the fog. Looked like Apocalypse or what it will be like on earth when the sun has shrunk into a white dwarf. Landed in camp starved. Here is our menu: Breakfast: Hot cereal. Mix with hot water from thermos, eat. Lunch: Soup. Dried veggies (onions, garlic, peppers and other) noodles, cube of stock and beef jerky sizzle in hot oil, pour hot water over, transfer to thermos. Over night it all plumps up into thick soup, a far cry from instants. Snack: Trail mix, homemade with zillion kinds of nuts, seeds, dried fruit and chocolates. Dinner: Pasta Bolognaise, Pasta Milanese or Beef curry (UK military food) Desert: Chocolate pudding or apple custard. 4000/6000 kcal per day. Have still lost around 6-8 kgs (14-18 lbs.) each. |
Jan 10. Greater Antarctica | |
![]() | S85 52 W81 17 T10.00PM (Chile) Alt 1670m TT 9.5 h D 20,8 km TD 671,1 km/42 days DSP 461 km (1100) sleds w 142 kg -19C/6kts Sun Sleeping in a wet sleeping bag in -19C is a memory that sticks with you. It sure also stuck with Shackleton and his men when they sailed their open liferaft from Antarctica to Chile. Their fur skin sleeping bags were soaked until they froze solid. Today we also saw the last of the mountains, so clearly dividing the lowlands from the highlands as pearls on a string. They are up to 3000 m/10 000 ft but we see their summits only, the rest is buried in the ice and even pressed down below sea level. We are now in Greater Antarctica and summer is turning to winter. There is a pink tint to colors and it is colder. We finished an audio with authentic war letters written home by American soldiers from different battlefields. Gave us much to ponder on this endless ice. |
Jan 9. An Antarctic moment | |
![]() | S85 41 W81 16 T9.00PM (Chile) Alt 1550m TT 9.00 h D 20,0 km TD 650,3 km/41 days DSP 482 km (1100) sleds w 144 kg -19C/12kts Sun Training for this expedition, Jose would sometimes take us mountain biking Manhattan. We would race the Hudson River walkway, then up Harlem, charge up between traffic to a park, do workout at a playground and stop for a Cuban sandwich at some local joint. "A New York moment"Jose would say. This morning started out bad. We climb altitude now and suddenly we entered an odd looking area. Dark, almost black shadows lingered everywhere around us, 3-20 m wide (10-50 ft) and hundreds of meters long. They looked like cracks in crystal and we halted. Crevasses? Have not seen even one here in Antarctica before. We tiptoed our way. Occasionally the snow gave way beneath us and we would well run! Some minutes later a humming sound. What now? An airplane, just above us. Next Toms water bottle opened and flushed his sleeping bag. As all this was just enough excitement for one Antarctic day, we finally pitched camp pretty stirred. But the sun soon warmed our tent, the stove is puffing away like that volcano right now just 60 km to our east and well, we have an Antarctic moment. Tom is back in tent and has promised no more talk of killer penguins. |
Jan 8. Out in the cold | |
![]() | S85 30 W81 18 T9.00PM (Chile) Alt 1450m TT 9.00 h D 21,1 km TD 630,3 km/40 days DSP 502 km (1100) sleds w 146,5 kg -15C/8kts E, Ac 8/8 O/C low ctrst We are both the eldest of our siblings. A big brother and a big sister married to each other. When we fight, there are nuclears involved. Over the years, we have thus learned to choose our battles. Especially in a situation like this where any negative thoughts have devastating impact on workload and distance. But sometimes the heat is on and it can go like this: Pic 1: Tom decides to sleep in sled. Pic 2: Tom is denied entrance back to tent. He pleads. Claims presence of Killer Penguins. Pic 3: Tom back in sled. Pic 4: Antarctic Queen Witch |