And we have liftoff! |
 Fzzzzzzzzzz... What is happening? Briefly, the candy provides lots of nucleation sites where the CO2 in the soda can form bubbles much more rapidly than normal. Bubbles = pressure = ...well, there it is. Feel free to search the web for more rigorous documentation. |
 Here's another launch sequence, these next 4 photos from Deb Degan. |
 Starting up... |

Another successful launch! Later experiments showed that placing the Diet Coke bottle in a pot of hot water yielded even more spectacular results. |
 Okay...here is the "after" photo... |
 Ulp, here we are, late Sunday evening just before Deb and Mike depart. Thanks to Deb who is taking the photo. L/R: Myrna, Bill, Al, Marilyn, Steve, Mike |
 The rest of the aftermath...Al and Myrna, Monday early afternoon just before we all depart. |

Steve and Myrna.