2003-04 Photos
a good look at the station exterior at the summer's end

Old and new...the occupied station at the end of the 2003-04 season, with newly occupied A3 medical and computer spaces at right, A2 galley to the left with A1 berthing wing behind it...the 1975 dome, which for at least one more winter still houses science, comms, and berthing...and the striped pole which Paul Siple first erected nearby in 1956.
 Here's another view of the station from closer to the skiway, showing the new B3 pod at right. The future main entrance doors are on the right end. |
 Here is a straight on view from the downwind side. While not quite complete in this picture, all of the foundation grade beams, columns and main support trusses for the unbuilt A4 and B4 wings have now been installed. |
 Back on the upwind side, here is a panoramic view from ARO. |
 A closer view from in front of the fuel arch. |
 This unusual cockpit photo from the south side of the station was taken by Jerry Marty on 26 January. |
 Just before Christmas, a view of the station from the dark sector |