Winterovers from the United Kingdom

With some help, I now come up with 15 folks...which include 2 with dual NZ/British citizenship-- Kevin DuPuy and Paul Smith. Kevin has since returned to the UK, but Paul is a resident of New Zealand. Note that Paul Smith is the only person on this list with 2 winters...

I still suspect that there may have been one or two more, especially for SPASE, which originally had extensive British involvement.

  Joshua Veitch-Michaelis   IceCube              U. of Wisconsin 2021
  Julien Naylor             Physician            UTMB            2020 
  Paul Smith                Plumber/UT           RPSC    FEMC    2010, 2008, 2007
  Ross Williamson           SPT                  U. of Chicago   2009
  Stephen Padin             SPT                  U. of Chicago   2007
  Kevin DuPuy               sheet metal worker   RPSC    FEMC    2004
  Simon Balm                AST/RO               SAO*            1996
  Simon Hart                AMANDA               U. of Wisconsin 1996
  Andrew Jones              astrophysics         NOAO**          1995
  Andy Coulthard            SPASE                Leeds/Wisconsin 1993
  Peter Surrey              SPASE                Leeds/Wisconsin 1992
  John K Chan               SPASE                U. of Leeds     1991
  Michael Finnemore         SPASE                U. of Delaware  1990
  Alistair Walker           SPASE                U. of Delaware  1989
  Nigel Smith               SPASE                U. of Delaware  1988

*(Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory)
**(National Optical Astronomy Observatory)

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