December 2011 contract announcement email

From: Feola, Sam (Contractor)
Sent: Friday, December 23, 2011 12:31 PM [NZDT}
Subject: Lockheed Martin awarded Antarctic support contract

Area Directors, please pass to all RPSC and NANA employees at your respective stations.

December 22, 2011

The NSF announced today that Lockheed Martin has been selected as the new prime contractor for the U.S. Antarctic Program. An initial Transition Kick-off Meeting between NSF, Lockheed and RPSC executive staff is scheduled mid-next week. Lockheed will be submitting a final Transition Plan to NSF within two weeks. John Balaguer, our Raytheon Transition Manager, and I will be working closely with Lockheed to begin the transition process.

This day has been a long time coming for many of us, but I must ask for your continued patience, as the transition process unfolds. I expect that we will have lots of information to share with you in the coming days and weeks about the new contractor and their plans regarding the current workforce. We will schedule an All Hands meeting with representatives of Lockheed as soon as practicable; to discuss what can be expected in the coming months.

In the meantime, remember that the best source for information for RPSC/NANA employees is at We'll routinely provide updates and new FAQs through this webpage. If you have specific questions not addressed on the website, you can call...and leave a message, or e-mail.... We will do our best to get answers to your questions and update the website as quickly as possible.

RPSC will continue to provide top-notch science and logistics support through the end of our contract, March 31, 2012, ensuring a smooth transition to the new contractor. We are proud of the job that we have performed for the NSF for nearly 12 years.

Thanks again for all you have done and for your continued contributions to the success of the USAP.

Sam Feola
Program Director
Raytheon Polar Services
