South Pole Winter 1973

here's to you

Rear from left:

HMC Roy W. Kline (Deceased), David Bennett (NOAA) (Deceased), UT1 Kenneth W. Saxman (Deceased), Ltjg Gary M. Adair (NOAA), Bruce M. Webster (NOAA), LCDR Ronald Swarsen, MC, Russell Wertz, Robin Worcester.

Center from left:

Charles Klinger, James Craig, Howard Singer, EO1 Roy T. Dickinson II (Deceased), ET2 Steven Ramella, CE1 Charles E. Hopkins, CS2 Charles Butler.


RM1 Hugh K. Huffman, LT F. Perry Wolcott, CEC, CM2 G.W. Davis, BUC Perry Harris, CE2 Daniel Tripp, and in front, SK2 George Guggert. Not shown: Marvin Klempton.

The above photo was taken late October or early November not long before station opening (original unedited photo)...below is another group shot taken New Years Day 1973, just after the Annual Pole Bowl Football Classic where the station crew including summer support folks played the construction crew from NMCB 71:

on 2

Rear from the left:

CM2 G.W. Davis, Unknown, Unknown, CS2 Charles Butler, James Craig, David Bennett, Unknown Navy Air Controller.

Middle: (unknown)

Front row:

LT. F. Perry Wolcott, CEC, CE1 Charles E. Hopkins, ET2 Steven Ramella, SK2 George Guggert, and LCDR Ronald Swarsen.

The above photos and caption are courtesy of Gerry Davis...thanks!

Below, the w/o list as published by NSF in the Antarctic Journal, July/August 1973:
Adair, Gary, geomagnetism, NOAA
Bennett, Dave, doppler research, USGS
Craig, James, cosmic ray, Bartol Research Foundation
Kempton, Marvin, meteorology, NOAA
Klinger, Charles, aurora photometry, Lockheed Missiles and Space Company (SSL)
Singer, Howard, solid earth geophysics, University of California, Los Angeles
Webster, Bruce, meteorology, NOAA
Wertz, Russell, ionospheric and magnetospheric variations, NOAA
Worcester, Robin, doppler research, USGS

Butler, Charles H., CS2, NSFA
Davis, Gerald W., CM2, NSFA
Dickenson, Roy T., EO1, NSFA
Gugert, George L., SK2, NSFA
Harris, Perry E., BUC, NSFA
Hopkins, Charles E., CE1, NSFA
Huffman, Hugh K., RM1, NSFA 
Kline, Roy W., HM1, NSFA
Ramella, Stephen D., ETN2, NSFA
Saxman, Kenneth E., UT1, NSFA 
Swarsen, Ronald J., LT (MC), NSFA
Tripp, Daniel F., CE2, NSFA
Walcott, Fred P., LT (CEC), NSFA (OIC)