South Pole Winter 1966

picture this!
The 1966 winter team, as seen in this composite that once hung on the galley wall.
This photo was scanned from a small 3 inch snapshot courtesy of w/o Cesar Ambalada,
who doesn't remember why Danny Shepard's name is covered.

Below, the official w/o cruisebook picture, taken in early January before the
tragic event later in the month:
1966 Pole winter crew

Back row from left: 
Bob R. Mallis (Geomag/Seismo, US Coast & Geodetic Survey)
Charley Mabe (Meteorology, US Weather Bureau)*
Jerry L. Hollingsworth (Meteorology, US Weather Bureau)
Ron Stephen (Meteorology, US Weather Bureau)
Lars E. Andersson (Cos Ray, Bartol Research Foundation)
Barry D. Woodberry (Ionospheric Physics, National Bureau of Standards)

Second row:
EM1 Cesar N. Ambalada (ASA) 
HM1 Tony J. Benson (ASA)
Dick F. Przywitowski, station science leader (Ionospheric Physics, 
  National Bureau of Standards)
LT Bill R. Griffin (OIC)
UTC Don S. Tomovick (ASA)
RM1 Ken E. Thomas (ASA)
CS2 Bobby J. Davis (ASA)

Front row:

CMH2 Roy E. Burrage Jr.(ASA)
ETN2 Bob C. Smith (ASA)
SK2 Andrew B. Moulder (ASA)**
CEP3 Danny L. Shepard (ASA)
BUL3 Bernard C. Pape (ASA)
EO1 Donald Hartl (ASA)*

Not pictured: SK2 Paul D. Sheppard (ASA); EON3 Barry C. Shomo (ASA)

*Summer only
**Scheduled to winter but died in February 1966
The above photo is from Andrew Moulder's family; captioned with help from Lars
Andersson and Billy-Ace Baker. Below is another photo of many of the w/o's
enjoying the Memorial Day dinner in the galley:
Memorial Day
This photo (as well as the one at the top of this page) is courtesy of winterover
Cesar Ambalada (thanks!) Items of note...this was on Memorial Day (30 May) 1966
when the outdoor temperature was -82ºF...visible on the wall is that marble plaque
that all Polies since 1961 are familiar with (source). Also note the winterover photo
on the wall, it is from 1965, thus confirming that some of these Navy-era photos
were actually on the wall at one time, although they had all had disappeared by
the time I showed up at the domed station in 1976.

Cesar's caption: Clockwise from the top about 11 o'clock, looking back is RM1 Thomas, Ken G., Lt Griffin, Bill R.; EON2 Shomo, Barry C.; Barry D. Woodberry; Dick F. Przywitoski; Lars Andersson; HM1 Benson, Tony J.; SK2 Sheppard, Paulo D.*; UTC Tomovick, Don S.; can't identify, can't identify; EM1(SS) Ambalada, Cesar N.; can't identify. * Not in the official group photo. Replaced EO1 Donald Hartl and SK2 Andrew B. Moulder. (larger photo, 270kb)
Sunrise at Pole 1966 official flag raising
Above...another photo from Cesar Ambalada...the flag raising ceremony at sunrise,
23 September 1966. The OIC/physician William R. Griffin, LT (MC) is to the right
of the flagpole. The temperature...a cool -70ºF.
(here is the Antarctic Journal list of winterovers)
Ambalada, Cesar N., EM1, ASA
Andersson, Lars E., cosmic radiation, Bartol Research Foundation, USARP
Benson, Anthony J., HM1, ASA
Burrage Roy E. Jr., CMH2, ASA
Davis, Bobby J., CS2, ASA
Griffin, William R., LT(MC) officer in charge, ASA
Hollingsworth, Jerry L., meteorology, U.S. Weather Bureau, USARP
Mallis, Robert R., geomagnetism, U.S. Coast & Geod. Survey, USARP
Pape, Bernard C., BUL3, ASA
Przywitowski, Richard F., ionospheric physics - station scientific leader,
  National Bureau of Standards, USARP
Shepard, Danny L., CEP3, ASA
Sheppard, Paul D., SK2, ASA
Shomo, Barry C., EON3, ASA
Smith, Robert C., ETN2, ASA
Stephen, Ronald R., meteorology, U.S. Weather Bureau, USARP
Thomas, Kenneth E., RM1, ASA
Tomovick, Donald S., UTC, ASA
Woodberry, Barry D., ionospheric physics, National Bureau of Standards, USARP

Source: Antarctic Journal (NSF), September/October 1966.

Alas...Cesar Ambalada left this world in September 2021.