South Pole Winter 1964

1964 winterovers

Cox, Larry Eugene         RM2
Kane, Alan Frost          CMA2
Lamboley, Paul Eugene     RM1
Lampert, Irwin Ronald     SK3
McGrillis, Harold George  CE1
McLaughlin, Robert Harold EN2
McLean, William E.        LT (MC) - OIC
Mull, William B.          CS1
Peterson, James Carl      EON3
Rath, Arthur Edward       ETN2
Sage, Richard Howard      BUC
Strange, Donald Lee       HM1
Sumner, Joseph Wilburn    UTP2

Gatlin, Harold O.            Meteorology              U. S. Weather Bureau
Grass. Robert  D.            Meteorology              U. S. Weather Bureau
Judd, Robert C.              Meteorology              U. S. Weather Bureau
Kane, Henry Scott            Cosmic Radiation         Bartol Research Foundation
Oona, Henn                   Aurora                   Arctic Institue of Nortn America
Sargent, Howard H.           Ionospheric Physics      National Bureau of Standards
Schroeder, Henry H.          Meteorology              U. S. Weather Bureau
Tate, Robert G. (SSL)        Geomagnetism/Seismology  U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey
Wiest, William G.            Ionospheric Physics      National Bureau of Standards

Photo from Ron Lampert with help from Billy-Ace Baker.

Other information from the NSF USARP Antarctic Report, February 1964, and the
Bulletin of the U. S. Antarctic Projects Officer, Vol. V, No. 10; June 1964, p. 216.