South Pole Winter 1961

wall composite photos of the 1961 winterovers

Above is a photo of a composite that graced the wall of the rec room during the 1961 winter.
On the left Navy Doc PK Swartz
1st row: Joe Cornely, Charlie Wegner, Ski Palaszewski
2nd row: Jim Brown, Joe Boll, Jose Gomez
3rd row: JBB "Beater" Jones, Chas Walker, Jim "Pete" Peterson.

The USARP side: top: Ben Harlin
1st row: Wes Morris, "Mac" McKenney, Jack Steagall
2nd row: Ray Whitney, Jim Burnham, Jack Lamping
3rd row: Dave Sylwester, Hank Eckins, Ron Witalis.

The Biblical quotation in the plaque below the map: "This is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith," is from 1 John 5:4.

Below, 2 separate group photos:

1961 Navy winterovers

Above...the Navy contingent. From left, the back row: LT PK Swartz, MC, UT1 John L. Wellings, CE1 James W. Brown, BU1 Lawrence W. Glover, CS1 Charles N. Wegner, RMC Joseph R. Cornely. Front row: RM2 James B. B. Jones, CMH2 Jose M. Gomez, EON3 James C. Peterson, ET2 Robert J. Bell.

1961 Pole science winterovers

The science group: From left, David Sylwester, Mac McKenney, Jack Lamping, Jim Burnham standing; Ben Harlin, Hank Eckins, Ray Whitney, Ron Witalis, Jack Steagall kneeling. Absent was Wes Morris.

Here is the entire list... 

LT Phil K. Swartz, Jr. MC, OIC/medical officer
Robert J. (Joe) Boll, ET2, electronics
James W. Brown, CE1, electrician
Joseph (Joe) R. Cornely, RMC, radioman
Jose M. Gomez, CMH2, mechanic
James B. B. Jones, RM1, radioman
Edward S. Palaszewski, BU1, builder
James C. (Pete) Peterson, EON3, equipment operator
Carson B. Walker, UTA3, utilities man
Charles (Charlie) N. Wegner, CS1, cook

James (Jim) B. Burnham, ionosphere, National Bureau of Standards
Hank J. Eckins, meteorology, US Weather Bureau
Ben W. Harlin, meteorology, U. S. Weather Bureau/science leader
John T. (Jack) Lamping, geomag/seismology, US Coast and Geodetic Survey
Clarence D. (Mac) McKenney, meteorology, US Weather Bureau
Wesley R. Morris, meteorology, US Weather Bureau
Jack T. Steagall, meteorology, US Weather Bureau
David W. Sylwester, Aurora, Arctic Institute of North America
Raymond L. Whitney, meteorology, US Weather Bureau
Ronald (Ron) E. Witalis, meteorology, US Weather Bureau

The wall composite and USARP group photos came from Jack Lamping...the Navy
group photo (obviously taken at the same time) was in the Operation Deep Freeze
61 cruisebook. I also had help from Phil (PK) Swartz, Billy-Ace Baker, the Antarctic
Status Report No. 25, December 1960 (NSF), and the Bulletin of the U. S. Antarctic
Projects Officer, Vol. II, No. 8; April 1961, p. 14,

and I verified a couple of name spelling discrepancies with the Antarctic gazetteer.

Original unedited photos (well, in case you want to try and figure out what they were reading):
the wall composite
the Navy group photo
the USARP group photo